13. Two apologies and made up lies

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"Don't most famous people sit in the back when their manager drives them?"

Tangie keeps her eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel, not daring to even look at Hecate while she talks. Her heartbeat is going extra crazy right now, and her breath is kind of in her throat. It feels so weird to be driving when you don't really know what you're doing. There are these two pedals by her feet and sometimes she presses the wrong one. Hopefully Hecate hasn't noticed yet.

Driving over to the building where they film most of the scenes of Hecate's new film is pretty easy. It's a slow road full of traffic, and just a ten minute drive. But driving off to a set out in the forest, thirty minutes away? Now that is difficult. Tangie had gotten pretty used to the car before this, driving Hecate to work for the past three days. But now she's definitely not used to it. It's harder than she remembered.

Still, she can't help but wonder why Hecate refuses to sit in the back like most actresses. She did sit in the back the first day, but for some reason she stopped after that. Now she sits up front, eyes on the road and a deep frown on her face whenever Tangie puts her hands on the wheel.

"Don't worry about it, shepherd. Eyes on the road"

And despite being a demon, Hecate always sounds oddly tense, maybe even nervous whenever they are driving. Tangie doesn't understand it. Maybe it's some sort of manipulation trick? A way to make her lower her guard? Tangie knows some of the more common demon tricks after being in this business for so long, but she doesn't know all of them. Demons always come up with new ways to fool humans. This could very well be one of those new ways.

They are driving fast, way too fast for Tangie's liking. But since she's supposed to act like a human, she should also be able to drive like a human. They are already in the forest where the filming is supposed to be done, and there can't be more then ten minutes left of this bumpy forest road until they see some lights and people. It doesn't help that they are driving so early in the morning that the sun hasn't reached the sky yet, let alone past the tall, dark spruce trees. Tangie tries to calm her breathing.

"Be careful, you don't know if there's another car behind that corner" Hecate points at the sharp turn in front of them, her hands twitching towards the steering wheel as if she wanted to drive herself. Tangie nods with a frown on her face, her hands on the steering wheel shaking ever so little as she puts her foot down to press on the breaks. She does it, gentler this time, remembering how she used to step on the break so hard that the entire car stopped harshly enough for them to nearly fly into the front window. Hecate breathes out, and drags a hand through her hair once they round the corner.

"Is that an animal?" Tangie squints as she mumbles out her question, looking at a dark, shadowy figure standing in the middle of the forest road in front of them. She presses gently on the breaks again, and the car slows down. Hecate watches carefully as they approach the creature, which ends up looking more and more like a rabbit the closer they get to it. Tangie looks at the rabbit and then at the road in front of her, perhaps a little nervous. They are almost directly in front of it now, but it's not moving. Tangie bites her lip in worry and quickly presses on the horn, wanting to startle it. The creature doesn't even react.

"Must be a deaf rabbit" She laughs, albeit awkwardly. Hecate gives her a side eye and a raised eyebrow. Tangie coughs and concentrates on the unmoving rabbit. The silence in the car is terrible.

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