21. A good deal

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Angel soldier training camp, year nine, visits the idea of being kidnapped or held hostage. In combat, this can be a regular situation for an active angel soldier. Hael remembers exactly what she was taught to do. Keep quiet, find a way to escape or kill yourself. And Hael knows, the moment that she wakes up with black, demonic rope burning around her wrists, that she has been taken hostage. Although she can't remember how, or why, or by who, it's clear from the get go.

"What the...?" Her eyes blink open, and she tugs at the rope, hissing when it stings. Demonic rope, much like demonic powers, harsh to the touch of an angel. Her eyesight is blurry and her head feels heavy. Hael licks her dry lips and tries to sit up as much as possible, her eyes moving from one corner of the room to the next. Clearly, she's been poisoned, too. Dizziness, deep sleep, a headache and muscles that are hard to control... Hael would guess it's some kind of light demon poison, perhaps a small dose of purple blood.

"Good morning to you, too."

Her head snaps up to find the source of the voice, a clear and sultry deep tone that echoes all around. Hael blinks again and again to make everything less blurry and unclear, but it's hard to make out anything at all. Her defences drive up to max, and she pushes herself away from whoever is approaching her.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

She sees the flash of a pair of white fangs, and knows that whoever is in front of her is grinning.

"Did you forget about me already?"

She can make out brownish black hair, and a pair of black eyes that move closer. The closer he gets the more she sees. His face is twisted into a light, teasing smile, and one of his fangs can be seen through it. His hair is long-ish, falling over his forehead in a styled manner. He's tall, just a little taller than her, and he's wearing clothes in dark colours. A black, loose fitting silk shirt and a pair of wide black pants.

Hael presses herself up against the sofa, which happens to be what she is tied to. She squints and keeps her face in a harsh frown, all the way until he's right in front of her. She can smell his expensive perfume, something rather sweet, and see his golden necklace dangle around his neck. That's when her eyes widen in a quick realisation. Her vision comes back, bit by bit, and she makes out his face properly. Angled and sharp but with soft edges, heart shaped, dark eyed with a defined nose.

It's him.

"You're the incubus!"

The events from the night before flash in front of her eyes. How she felt that she was being followed, how she noticed that a demon had been chasing her all night, how she exposed him, how he jumped down from that balcony, how they talked... how she threatened him. And then, how he..."And you cheated!" She struggles against her restraints. This stupid little incubus! She should never have hesitated in front of him. He isn't powerful at all! He used lower demons to get her down! "Why couldn't you just fight me like a soldier!?"

The demon does nothing but watch as she yells at him, a small smile on his face. Hael frowns at his smile. She knows that demons are usually quite... oblivious when it comes to certain things in life, but how can he be so uncaring about what he has done? He shakes his head with a smile. He looks at her, right at her, completely uncaring of how close they are. "Demons don't fight with honour and respect, Hael. We fight to win." He muses, tilting his head. Hael's mouth opens in shock.

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