2. A demon finds

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"You are heartless. Heartless to think you can just leave me like this"

Rain drums down on the floor around them. Two women stand on the roof of a tall skyscraper, going far above the other houses and hiding the illuminating, shining purple and blue lights of the metropolitan city down below. One holds a gun, pointing it at the other while she walks slowly towards the edge, backing her up against certain death.

The cries of the helpless woman are held back and controlled, as she tries to look mature even in a situation like this one. The other woman, the one holding the gun, looks much colder. There is not even a shake in her grip as she points the gun at her lover. Her looks are inhumanly wonderful. She has a face that is beautiful in a more rare way, with a rather sharp jaw and larger nose paired with piercing black eyes that sparkle under the light.

"Of course I'm heartless"

The taller woman grabs the gun a little tighter and takes another step forward. Her former lover comes dangerously close to the edge, and for a moment her breathing stutters. The woman holding the gun smiles a little, something mean glinting in her eyes. When she speaks, there is a hint of amusement in her tone.

"I've been heartless from the beginning. In fact, I think I've been a little too heartless. I'm surprised you actually believed I ever loved you at all"

The woman in front of her is crying now, not even trying to hide it. It is unclear whether she fears the death awaiting her, or the sorrow punching her heart. Either way, it does not matter to the taller woman. She is an assassin and has been from the very beginning. For two years they have been together, going through ups and downs, living in the same apartment and even adopting a pair of black cats together. But she is an assassin and this was all planned from the beginning.

Whether she means what she says about her heartlessness is hard to say from the outside. Her eyes are cold, her face is cold and her actions are dangerously uncaring, but whether that is what she actually feels like on the inside is something people will just have to guess. One thing is clear, however. Their relationship will never recover from this moment. No matter if she pulls the trigger, or pushes her from the roof of this building. Nobody can forget their own lover pointing a gun at their head.

"What about all the promises you made? Did they mean nothing?"

The taller woman smiles. She cocks her gun, and points it back at her lover.

"Yeah. They meant nothing"

Her finger hovers over the trigger. The camera pans over her face, showing the glimmering of her eyes and the seriousness in her expression. The audience will be at the edge of their seats at this part, mouths open and eyes wide, wondering whether or not she will actually-


The alarm on the movie set rings, and immediately people scramble around to do their work. Rain stops falling from the sky- or rather, the water from the set ceiling is stopped. People fidget with the lights and the two actresses break out of their characters, one of them lowering her gun. Makeup artists run to touch up the shorter girl's makeup while she sighs, accepting a script from one of the staff members and fanning herself. The director smiles and walks up on set.

"Good work you two. Eve, I loved that expression. Keep it up. The audience will be absolutely enchanted"

He then turns to the other actress.

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