50. Epilogue

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The summer air is damp and hot at the same time, pressing down from the sky and wrapping around the trees and their bodies. Skin glistening from the sweat, cicadas chirping in the background and the smell of peaches engulfing the air in a pleasant smell. The nature is fuller and greener than ever before, deep in the summer, leaves hanging low and grass vibrantly overgrown.

Any animals around would be hiding in the shadows, away from the heat that is so strong every part of your body feels sweaty and relaxed. It's quiet, only the sound of a lazy nature brimming on behind them. There is nothing more beautiful than this. Wrapped in a summer haze, seeing the blue sky and the slow clouds move about abound them. The occasional breeze that passes by is a refuge from the otherwise damp heat that presses down. If the day could speak, it would do nothing but whistle a lazy tune.

Tangie's newly built porch is somewhat hidden by the shadows of her peach grove. She built it as an extension of her house only a month into spring, but it's only now that it has truly come into use. This summer has been long, boring and lazy. Just as Tangie wanted it to be. They are in the middle of the end of it, the part of summer where everything is overgrown, too warm, too damp and her brain feels foggy and scrambled.

The summer has been like a dream. And to think, every day from now on will be a continuation of that dream.

Tangie is wearing nothing but a loose yellow graphic t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts, the weather not allowing for anything else. Hecate is draped over the porch, a black bikini top paired with jeans shorts, matching Hela who is wearing a black bikini bottom and a sky blue T-shirt. Tangie is lying on her stomach, looking down at Hela while drawing soft lines over her skin with her hand, the demon keeping her eyes closed.

The patterns that she draws form small, simple messages. What should we eat today? Should we fuck? I love you. And she looks at any twitch of Hela's mouth for an answer. A small smile means that she is touched. A tsk and a smile is a bashful reaction, and a sigh means that she doesn't know. Tangie has been lost in the way Hela's expressions form gently over her face all morning.

Sometimes they work on the peach farm, sometimes they lay on the porch for hours, sometimes they walk around town, and sometimes they leave one another, do something by themselves and come back home. It's a lazy rhythm that has made Tangie trust them more than ever before.

When Hecate leaves, she can trust that the demon will be back before the next morning. When Hela says that she'll help pick peaches without using her powers, she really does that. At least, Tangie is pretty sure. And when Tangie scoffs when they say that they love her, she can trust them to know that she is embarrassed rather than cocky.

It's been a few months, but time moves slower when in the presence of demons. At least, that's how it feels. And Tangie couldn't be more happy.

Although she'd never admit that out loud, of course.

"You know what's good about summer?" Hecate suddenly mumbles, her eyes still closed and expression unreadable as always. Tangie stops drawing patterns on Hela's skin and looks over at the other demon, a gently curious look on her face. Hecate opens her eyes.

"You can fuck outside."

When the initial surprise at the bold statement wears off, Tangie shrugs.

She thinks about it. They've done it before, here and there. On the grass, on the porch. They're supernaturals, nature is home to them as much as a house is. But honestly, Tangie doesn't care for it. "I don't know, it's kind of dirty, so many bugs and so much dirt exists outside." The bugs, the dirt that makes her want to shower, the way they could be caught by these poor, innocent humans? No, it's not really her favourite thing to do.

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