Chapter 1: Elizabeth

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~Dressed in dreams for me

You were what I wished to see

Elizabeth, Elizabeth~

(Frank Sinatra)

Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here and I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources sends us this. Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand...Serena Van der Woodsen. Was it only a year ago our 'It' Girl mysteriously disappeared for quote 'Boarding School' and just as suddenly, she's back? Don't believe me? See for yourselves. Lucky for us I got proof.

The Humphrey siblings walked into Grand Central Station. They had just spent the weekend with their mother in Hudson. Their parents had sort of split during the summer. Elizabeth Humphrey wasn't sure what was happening, but she was glad to be home. It's not that she didn't love her mom because she did, she was just closest to her father. Their father Rufus Humphrey spotted them and grabbed their attention.

"Dan, Lizzie, Jenny!" Rufus shouted. "Over here!"

"Hey Dad" they said in unison.

"You guys made it" Rufus said hugging Jenny, then Dan and finally Elizabeth "Welcome back"

"Good to be back" Elizabeth said.

"How was your weekend?" How's your mom?"

"Fine" Dan said.

"She's good" the girls replied, and they all looked at each other.

"Like 'maybe I never should have left Manhattan' fine or 'taking a timeout from my marriage was the best idea I ever had' fine?"

"Dad you know what? I am uh I'm starving" Dan replied

"Second that" Elizabeth said trying to change the subject.

"Let's go home. I'm cooking" their dad said.


"Caprese salad, a little mozzarella di búfala" Rufus said guiding Jenny away. Elizabeth spotted Serena Van der Woodsen and elbowed her twin brother Dan. He had the biggest crush on Serena.

Spotted: Lonely Boy, can't believe the love of his life has returned...If only she knew who he was.

"Look it's your crush" she whispered.

"Shut up" he replied and elbowed her.

Later that night Elizabeth spotted Dan looking at the computer.

"Whatcha looking at brother?"

"Nothing" he replied shutting his computer "Why are you in my room anyways?"

"Mom and Dad?" she replied, "Do you think they'll be okay?"

"Let's hope" he replied "for Dad's sake"

"Night Danny" she replied

"Night Lizzie" he replied. She then went back to her room and went to bed.

The next morning Elizabeth walked in the kitchen in her school uniform. School was not exactly her favorite place in the world since they went to school with a bunch of snobby rich kids, but she did enjoy it. Maybe because she was smart. She had taken her SATs when she wasn't even a freshman yet. Or maybe because she enjoyed learning new things. It also might be the fact that school was the only place that she got to see Nate Archibald and now that she was technically single after a breakup with her boyfriends of 1 years she might actually get the guy's attention.

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