Chapter 101: White Wedding

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me

A/N: This was the first chapter I wrote (It was a little different when I first wrote it but had the same ending) Hope you enjoy.

~It's a nice day for a white wedding

It's a nice day to start again~

(Billy Idol)

Wakey, Wakey Upper East Siders Gossip Girl Here, Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's Elite. It seems like Today is a big day for everyone, but none so much as me. Once upon a time, Princess B. was a virgin queen, and her king was named Archibald. Who would've thought in just five short years, she could turn that headband into a tiara for real? I myself have come a long way too but if you think I've spent all my recent downtime reflecting on who I am and what I've done in those same 5 years, let me assure you, that couldn't be further from the truth. I was just planning my comeback. So, if I were you, I'd watch this space, because the new Gossip Girl is coming. And what will my first post be? All I can say is you should probably pray I won't be writing about you.

Elizabeth walked into her dad and Lily's with Ella on her hip. Dan already beat her there.

"I wore them at my wedding" she heard her dad say.

"Wore what?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm not sure what I'd need luck for, as I'm not the one getting married, but thank you"

"I think he means luck with the fact the girl you like is getting married" Elizabeth replied, and Dan glared at her.

"Someone is feeling better, she has her sarcasm back" Dan replied.

"You're in the wedding party, that's close enough" her dad replied grabbing Ella "Why are you in the wedding party again?"

"I did a favor for Louis last week, so he asked me. I figured it's better than sitting alone in a pew, right?"

"So, no date tonight?" Elizabeth asked.

"Is the charade over?" her dad asked.

"Once Blair and Louis say I do, then Serena and I can say we don't anymore"
"Which is sad because I actually liked you as a couple"

"Cause when she's with me she's not with Nate?" Dan asked.

"Very funny, but so not the issue. Nate and I are done. For good this time" She replied "But you still have the whole Blair problem"

"So, the Serena distraction is to keep you from having any 'Graduate' thoughts about Blair?"

"Any thoughts of her running off with me are...well their long gone. If anyone is in danger of pulling a Braddock, it's not me. It's..."

"Chuck" Elizabeth said, and they both looked at her. "I'm sure he is gonna avoid the church like the plague. He wouldn't do that to himself."

"We should get going"

"My kids both part of a royal wedding party" Rufus said holding Ella. "Don't worry about this girl. I will get her all ready for her Aunt Blair's wedding"

"Thank you, dad," she said then kissed her daughters head "Love you Ella"

Elizabeth and Dan left and headed to Blair's. They got there and walked in. Dan looked up as did Elizabeth.

"I really think you should make it real" Elizabeth whispered.

"Whatever Lizzie" he said, and she walked away. She walked over to Serena.

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