Chapter 3: Crush

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~Ooh I got a crush on you

I hope you feel the way that I do

I get a rush when I'm with you

Ooh, I got a crush on you

A crush on you~

(Mandy Moore)

There's plenty of upside to being the spawn of the fabulously wealthy. But the downside? Super Successful parents except nothing less from their offspring. And when it comes to college that means the Ivies. It's more than just getting into college. It's setting a course for the rest of your life and for those few who aren't legacies, the pressures are no less. When parents have sacrificed for their children's futures, what kid would wanna let them down?

Elizabeth walked into the bathroom where her brother stood facing the mirror.

"Cut yourself?" she asked noticing the little papers on his face.

"Yes" he replied. "What gave it away?"

"It could have been the upset written all over your face, or the mini little pieces of paper you have covering it?"

"Thanks Lizzie" he replied.

"Well think of it this way, Ivy week is almost over. You can breathe for a change" she replied.

"True, but the interview for the usher position is today"

"And you will knock it out of the park, you're Dan Humphrey."

"And what exactly does that mean?"

"It means that you are very smart, and Dartmouth would be stupid not to like you. You're like the perfect Dartmouth student."

"I hope so"

Later they sat at the counter eating breakfast.

"It's not that bad" their father said to Dan.

"It looks like I shaved with a wood chipper."

"More like a chainsaw" Jenny said, and Elizabeth laughed.

"Not helping. Either of you"

"Not trying too"

"Look on the bright're not a hemophiliac otherwise you'd be in the emergency room." Their dad said.

"And how is that helping?" Elizabeth asked.

"It's not" Dan replied.

"Dartmouth is gonna love you" their dad said

"That's what I told him" Elizabeth said.

"I gotta believe being able to shave is a prerequisite for attending"

"No one is better qualified, no one is smarter, no one is well rounded..."

"It's a good thing I'm not competing against you for the usher spot" Elizabeth replied.

"Funny Lizzie" Dan said and turned to their dad. "It's not like I have a trust fund to fall back on. Dad all I have is this up here"

Dan pointed to his head.

"That is the most important thing. College is about academic excellence. Not your stock portfolio. Which is why I taught you and your sisters to take education seriously and work hard for what you want. Besides you're gonna do great in your interview. You take after your dad that way. Spotlight doesn't faze us"

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