Chapter 8: This Kiss

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~And she's a real sweet girl

And you know I got a boy~

(Carly Rae Jepsen)

According to the Catholic Church, moral sin can only be absolved through the sacred act of confession, but it looks like a certain W.A.S.P Princess has recently found herself desperately in need of a little unburdening and who is the man upstairs to discriminate?

Elizabeth sat at the counter in the loft. Her phone sat in front of her, and she kept tapping the counter impatiently waiting for her phone to ring. She was waiting on news from Nate about his dad. She had waited with him and his mom most of the night until she was told to go home.

"Maybe this will calm your 'jitters'" her dad said handing her a cup of coffee.

"Isn't coffee technically supposed to energize you? There's nothing in here that screams calming Dad."

"He will call you Rock Star. Maybe in the meantime you should go to the rink. That calms you"

"I can't focus Dad. I'm worried about my friend. In the last 24 hours he has lost his girlfriend and his dad got arrested."

"And when he needs his friend, he will call you" her dad said pouring himself coffee.

"I so hope you are right dad" she replied taking a sip.

"Feel better?" he asked knowing his daughter and her love for coffee.

"Coffee is the answer for everything" she laughed as the front door opened and Jenny walked in.

Chuck and Blair*

Chuck watched Blair walk out of the Church and drove up to her.

"Well, this is the last place I'd expect to find you" Chuck said.

"Go away, Chuck. I've been given orders practically from God himself to avoid you"

"Would you consider avoiding me over breakfast?"

"Go bother someone else, like Lady Humphrey. Wasn't she the center of your obsession?"

"She and I are from different worlds where you and I..."
"Are not going to happen, now I need to put pieces on hold for Eleanor and..."

"Nate? I don't think he'll be singing happy birthday this year"

"No one but you and that Brooklynite even know we broke up and its gonna stay that way so I can fix it"

"Those two have gotten awfully close."

"Then distract her, you will sure enjoy that" she replied and walked away.

"Hey Dad, Lizzie" Jenny said.

"Hi honey, how was Hudson?"

"You went to Hudson last night?" Elizabeth asked looking at her phone.

"Your mother must have been surprised to see you"

"Yeah, she was" she heard her mother say and turned. Her dad went silent. "Hi Rufus"

"Alison" he finally said, "What are you doing here?"

Elizabeth looked at her dad then back to her mom.

"I asked her to come" Jenny said "You know I thought you guys talk"

It got silent again, Elizabeth looked at her dad again.

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