Chapter 9: Secrets

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~I'm gonna give all my secrets away~


As per Gossip Girl's Thanksgiving tradition, I'm trading my laptop for stove top, and for the next 16 hours, the only thing I'm dishing is seconds. When the cats away the mice will play. Have fun little rodents.

Elizabeth had left the ice rink and gotten back home. Usually, the ice rink was closed on Thanksgiving but she sweet, talked Paul into letting her and Drew practice. She walked in to see her family cooking.

"Fine, fine, but only if I can take the cranberry sauce out of the can. That is my specialty" Dan said, and their dad tossed him the can opener.

"What did I miss?" she asked shutting the door.

"Hey sweetie" her mom said, "How was the rink?"

"Amazing" she said "Drew and I got a few new moves up our sleeves. I think were gonna register for competition. I'm not really sure yet. I didn't think I should skate with a partner, but Drew makes it easy"

"That's amazing Rock Star" her dad said "Now do you wanna help with the pies"

"I am on it" she replied putting her bag down.

She put the pies in the oven and went to go set the table when her phone rang.

"Hello" she said slightly hoping it was Carter.

"Hey" Nate said, "How's your Thanksgiving so far?"

"Sounds better than yours. What's up?"

"Nothing Liz, don't worry about it"

"Archibald" she replied. "We agreed to be friends, remember? Friends talk and they worry. So, talk to me."

"It's just some family drama"

"Well," she said looking at her parents "If you need a place to go today. The Humphrey residence is always available."

"I'll keep that in mind" he replied "Happy Thanksgiving Liz"

"Happy Thanksgiving Nate" she replied, and they hung up

"Nate joining us?" her dad asked.

"He's not sure, but I can always make him a plate of leftovers"

"Of course," he said kissing the top of her head.

"Where'd Dan go?"

"Serena and Eric are joining us"

"The more the merrier" she replied then began to think of last year.

*Last Year*

Elizabeth shot a text to Carter then closed her phone as Dan came into the front door.

"Just in time, but I thought you were gonna bring pie?" They mother said.

"I did but it kinda got ran over"

"Why did you set in the street?" Elizabeth asked.

"I didn't. I was trying to help this girl stay out of traffic"

"Ah, well who needs dessert when we have a real-life hero in our midst? Your brother just saves a girl"

"I thought you needed to be near a girl for that to happen?" Jenny said.

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