Chapter 74: Tiny Dancer

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~Ballerina, you must have seen her

Dancing in the sand

Now she's in me, always with me

Tiny dancer in my hand~

(Elton John)

Morning, Upper East Siders. Hope you had a good night's sleep. Or at least a good night's play.

Elizabeth walked into the kitchen and spotted Nate sitting at the table.

"Hey" she replied "I'm going to my shop for breakfast. You wanna go?"

"I am taking Juliet's stuff back to her" he said "Or I would"

"I liked her at first. That sucks it didn't work out for you"

"Liz, she told me that you warned her"

"I may have mentioned something" she smiled, and he looked at her. "Look, I'm sorry Nate, I just...the thing with Serena just made me kinda not like her"

"Oh, and it had nothing to do with the fact I was dating her"

"If I remember correctly, I was the one who told you to call her" Elizabeth said. "So no, it had nothing to do with you dating her. I was actually really happy for you Nate. That is all I want for you. I just want you happy. Whoever that may be with"

He nodded.

"Okay, fine" he said.

"Good Luck Nate" she said kissing his cheek "Have you seen Chuck the last couple of days?"


"I was gonna discuss you being Godfather with him, but I haven't seen him"

"Interesting" he said. "But if either sees him, we will let the other know?"

"Deal" she replied "See you at School"

She left and headed to her shop and spotted Drew.

"Wow" he said.

"Good Wow?"
"Always good wow" he said "So Columbia radio station?"

"They played Liam's song about his childhood sweetheart that we duet on."

"I like that one"

"Yeah, so have NYU's play it"

"Will do. I wish we could do more but..."

"Self-marketing now for our own album will definitely put the trust in future bands that we know how to market" she said "Trust me. Now can I have a muffin?"

"Of course," he said and handed it to her.

"I gotta get to class" she said and then left.

*Nate and Chuck*
Chuck climbed out of a limo as Nate was walking by.

"Yo! Where have you been? You haven't been home in days. Liz was just asking if I had seen you" Nate said.

"Well, the New York Marathon is this weekend. Those women run 26.2 miles in under 3 hours so their warm-ups are key" he replied. "What about you? Things back on with Juliet? A romantic rendezvous?"

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