Chapter 21: Waiting for Love

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~We are one of a kind, irreplaceable~


As summer comes to an end, I'd like to share a few things I've learned about fun in the sun. Gossip Girl's guide to summer, tip number one. Don't fall asleep on the job. The best hookups are fee of morning breath and awkward conversation. The only thing harder than making up is waking up. Summer tip number two. There is no we in summer only you and me. Find out where you stand before you find yourself stood up. Anyone can canoodle in July and August, but will he be gone by September?

The next morning, she rolled over and saw Chuck lying next to her. She smiled but then sat up. She did the one thing she promised herself she wouldn't.

"Morning" he said kissing her shoulder.

"So that was amazing" she said


"Did you not...?"

"No, I was making sure that you said that"

"I did" she smiled "But..."

"It can't happen again" he said, and she kissed him.

"Like our relationship, Nate can't know" she said. "Promise?"

"I promise"

"You swear you're not gonna use it as some gossip girl post when you two have a fight?"

"I swear on our beach that I won't say a word to Nate" he said. "I just hate that this is really the end this time"

"Yeah" she replied.

"Well to send you off on this world, I'm gonna give you a present"

"Chuck" she said.

"Nate and Serena were faking it for Gossip Girl. They're not dating" he said.

"How long have you known?"

"Not long, but I won't lie I kinda suspected it. I was just afraid to say anything..."

"That would have changed us, we never would have happened right?"

"If all I get with you is one summer and one night at a White Party, it will be a memory I treasure for the rest of my life. And any guy who dates you next. Well, I am gonna secretly hate them"

"Back at you" she said biting her lip then kissing him.

"I know that prick is your first love, and I will never be able to replace that, but you will always be mine. And if you tell anyone..."

"Oh, that is something I am keeping to myself" she replied as her phone rang.

"Who's calling?"

"Drew" she said hitting answer and covered Chuck's mouth with her other hand. "Hey Drew"

Chuck kissed her hand and she smiled and took her hand away and he kissed her shoulder again.

"Hey Liz, did you and..."

"Will you come pick me up" she asked.

"Where are you?" he asked, and she looked at Chuck and he pointed at her dress.

"Where the White Party is at?" she said, and Chuck nodded

"Well, you're in luck cause so am I" he said.

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