Chapter 110: I Won't Back Down

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me

~Well, I won't back down
No I won't back down

You could stand me up at the gates of HellBut I won't back down~

(Tom Petty)

Elizabeth walk into the coffee shop and saw Matt behind the counter.

"Morning Boss" he said and handed her a coffee.

"Hey" she replied.

"Have a long night?"

"Yeah" she replied as her phone buzzed. She looked at it and answered it. "Hey"

"Hey" Chuck replied.

"How are you?"

"Confused and well...that's pretty much it"

"I can only imagine. Do you need anything?"

"Not right now" he said "I just wanted to hear your voice"

"I'm at the coffee shop I'll be home soon if you want to talk about it."

"I gotta do a few things first and then I'll be there" he replied.

"I love you" she replied.

"I love you too" he said "I promise I will tell you everything when I get home"

She hung up and turned to Matt

"What was that about?" he asked.

"I don't exactly know but I'm gonna find out soon. Um if you see Drew will you tell him that I was here but now I need to go. Family stuff going on with Chuck and I really need to be there for him"

"Yeah" he replied and she went to turn "Hey Boss"


"I'm glad that you two are back together"

"Me too" she smiled then left.

She hailed a cab and headed to the Empire. She got up to the Penthouse and walked in. No one was there. She took a seat on the couch and laid back. Monkey jumped up next to her. Chuck walked in shortly

"Hey" she said standing up and walking to him.

"Where is Ella?" he asked then kissed her.

"My dad's still. I never picked her up. I was on my way when you called and I figured it would be best to leave her there while we figure stuff out with your dad. I don't want to confuse her and she's having the time of her life right now with him. And he needs the joy she brings"

"I agree"

"I'm here for you whatever you need. We are family. Your troubles are mine and mine are yours. If you want them" she said and he smiled then kissed her.

"Thank you" he said as his phone rang. He looked at it. "I gotta take this"

He picked up the phone and walked away. She walked over to the bar and poured a drink and downed it. Then poured another one.

"The price in no concern, I need this to happen as fast as possible make them an offer they can't say no to, and offer them more." Chuck said then hung up and Serena walked in.

"Thirsty" he replied "Elizabeth, you started without me."

"I had one for you. Figured you were busy at the moment" she replied and handed him her glass and he finished it.

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