Chapter 11: Let it Snow

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~

(Various Artist)

Hey Upper East Siders. It's Christmas in New York and along with the season comes the Constance Billard/St. Jude's Bazaar. Where the only thing bizarre are the donated items for sale

Elizabeth stood in the school yard watching her sister sing in the choir. She spotted Dan and Serena talking. She walked over.

"...Christmas should be white and snowy. I'd even settle for Manhattans slush" Dan said.

"Is he on this again" Elizabeth said joining them.

"Yes" Serena laughed.

"I mean he's not wrong, I could appreciate some snow but then I can see ice whenever I want"

"There you are" Vanessa said

"Hey Vanessa. What are you doing here?" Dan asked.

"Hey" Serena said.

"Merry Christmas" she said handing Dan a rolled-up paper.

"This is a copy of the New Yorker" Dan said "Thank you but I already have a subscription."

"There's something else in there...a letter" Vanessa said "What does it say Serena?"

Serena pulled it out. Vanessa glanced at Elizabeth and they both smiled.

"Dear Mr. Humphrey, we are pleased to be advise you that we would like to publish your short story in our summer fiction issue featuring '20 under 20'" Serena read.

"It's a contest for young unknown writers and I might have..."

"Oh my god!" Dan said.

"...summited you" Vanessa continued.

"She had help" Elizabeth replied.

"Well, someone had to steal it out of your room" Vanessa added "I also have a gift for you Lizzie"

Vanessa handed her a big yellow bag. She pulled it out. It was an autograph copy of Extreme's Pornograffitti album.

"Oh my god" she said "Thank you"

"I noticed that you have the lyrics to 'More Than Words' written all over one of your notebooks. I actually didn't know it was autographed till after I had bought it."

"Vanessa wins best gift"

"Lizzie is right" Dan said.

"Isn't mom and dad supposed to be here soon?" Elizabeth asked noticing Serena's face.

"I'm gonna go find them" she replied "Show dad my gift"

Later at the Humphrey Loft they decorated the Christmas tree.

"My son the writer" Rufus said reading the letter.

"Published writer" Allison replied.

"Yeah, you got your dream girl and your story in the 'New Yorker' maybe you should just die now" Jenny said.

"That's true. I may have peaked" Dan said opening a card "This one is from the Smiths. Season Greetings"

"Very original Smiths" Elizabeth said hanging an ornament.

"Their name is Smith. They don't have to be original" Jenny replied

"I don't know, you'd think with the name Smith you would want to be original. You know separate yourself from other Smiths" Elizabeth stated.

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