Chapter 96: Moon River

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me.

~Moon river, wider than a mile

I'm crossing you in style some day

Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker

Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way

Two drifters, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see

We're after the same rainbow's end

Waitin' 'round the bend

My huckleberry friend

Moon river and me~

A shower is supposed to make you feel fresh and clean, but on the Upper East Side, they're where I get the most dirt. And B.'s bridal shower tonight promises to be an absolutely filthy affair. The only two people left off the list- Number one and for number two? In high school, D got left off the list because no one knew who he was. "Now it's because they know too well. "Looks like lonely boy needs to change his name to 'Banished boy.

Elizabeth stood in Serena's room with Serena putting Gift bags together for Blair's party.

"Thank you, Lizzie, for helping me with this"
"It's a selfish reason really" Elizabeth said "It keeps my mind off the twisted love life I have going on"

"Did I see you with Carter last week?" she asked "I thought that you said..."

"He went to the Sleep No More to see my date with Chuck" she replied. "And Nate and I still had a fight about him"

"What exactly is his problem with Carter? He never told me."

"Carter kinda screwed Nate in a poker game our junior year during Lost Weekend. This was before Nate knew that I had history with Carter and vice versa"

"Wow" Serena said "So you having a history with him only makes things worse"

"Yes" she said "And I threw that in his face that he always brings up Carter. He said we needed to grow up a little, which is the same talk we had last year as well. I just don't know which one of us he is talking about. And I don't even know what I want in this. Therefore, twisted love life."

Their phones went off.

This just in. We hear B. took a paternity test to find out which daddy makes three.

"Oh god" Elizabeth replied. "This can't be good"

"Did you know?"

"Yeah, but I wouldn't tell Gossip Girl. I promised her that I wouldn't say anything. I didn't even tell Chuck, which is a huge thing because he and I promised honesty when I was pregnant with Ella"
"True, it wasn't me"

"Serena? I know you're busy with something for tonight, but I really need your help." Blair said.

"Sorry, B., can't talk. Too much work." Serena said shutting the door.

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