Chapter 18: First Time

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~Let your heart, control your mind

Make you feel like the first time~

(Jonas Brothers)

They say love conquers all but maybe love never met Georgina Sparks. Poor Humphrey. Looks like our resident moral compass isn't much a straight arrow after all.

Elizabeth stood in the bathroom curling her hair and applying makeup. She couldn't believe she actually agreed to be Chuck Bass's date to his dad's wedding, but she owed him for his help with Carter. And she did need a distraction from the fact Nate was now dating Vanessa. She did tell them both she was okay with it, but she was dying inside just seeing them together.


*Chuck and Blair*

Blair and Chuck laid across the bed still in their clothes from the night before. Chuck woke up to being smacked by Blair.

"Ow" he replied.

"Who? What? When? Where? Why?"

"We were up late plotting against Georgina" he replied "we must have dozed off"

"And you were on the floor"

"I didn't want to hurt my back" he replied

"Why? It's not like you do anything athletic"

"Well, that's not entirely true now, is it?"

"Fine, nothing that requires removing your scarf"

"That was one time, and it was chilly" he replied and noticed the time

"Enough about the past, before you landed in my bed we actually landed on a good idea"

"Well, I can trust you can take it from here" He replied putting on his jacket. "I have a best man speech to write and no time to write it. Not to mention a beautiful princess will be arriving at my suite any minute for our hot date"

"You actually got Elizabeth Humphrey to go on a date with you?"

"Perhaps I'm growing on her" he smiled then left.


She walked into the living room to see Serena, Dan and who she now learned was Georgina. Serena trying to attack Georgina.

"Uh, I'm gonna skip this whole thing and just head out" she said.

"Where are you going?" Dan asked.

"I have a date" she replied leaving the loft. She showed up at Chuck's suite and knocked on the door it opened, and Chuck stood there.

"Wow" he said "You look amazing Elizabeth"

"Wow my actual name. But Cinderella was really growing on me" she said "You can call me Lizzie or Liz"

"You ready to go?"

"I've never been to a wedding before"

"Just smile pretty and be your usual self"

"Aww, you like my usual self"

He shook his head at her, he actually did like her usual self, but he couldn't exactly admit that to her out loud. She was hung up on Nate.

She smiled. She grabbed his arm and they left. They arrived at the wedding. Chuck stood with a pen and paper.

"Best man speech?" she asked. "Shouldn't you have already had that written?"

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