Chapter 12: Why Can't I?

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?

Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you? ~

(Liz Phair)

On the Upper East Side, it's easy to think that the world is exactly as it appears. Refined, elegant, imposing. But sometimes, all it takes it's a little key to open the door to the wild side

Elizabeth walked out of her room and on to the fire escape. She really needed to get out of the house and Nate had texted her with the perfect thing to get out with a party at the school pool. Though she couldn't swim because she had a boot on her ankle due to her injury. During the competition they did one of the lifts and she landed awkwardly and sprained her ankle. She had been in a boot cast since then and stuck at home. Carter was back in Europe, and she hadn't heard from him a couple days.

She hailed a cab and arrived at the school.

"Lizzie!" Serena said, "Is Dan with you?"

"Um no"

"He should be coming I just called him"

"He'll be here then" she said "Have you seen Nate?"

"Somewhere with Blair" she said. "I'm sorry about your ankle. Dan said it was brutal to watch."

"Yeah. I won't be skating or dancing for a while. I feel bad for Drew" she replied "I'm gonna go find Nate"

"Okay" she said, and Elizabeth walked away.

"Cinderella, where is the swimsuit though the shorts and shirt are very sexy" Chuck said.

"The Devil, hi" she said and turned to him "Thank you for the gift. I always wanted a necklace that reminded me what letter of the alphabet my name started with"

"Sarcasm, my favorite language between us"

"My first language to be exact" she said rolling her eyes and looked around the pool.

"Looking for Nate?" he asked

"That's none of your business"

"He's with Blair"


"You're not a fan either? Is it because you have a thing for Nate?" he asked and walked away. She saw Nate up ahead.

"Nate" she said walking over.

"What are you doing here?" he asked looking at her foot "Shouldn't you be resting your ankle"

"You sound like Drew"

"Yeah, because I promised him, I'd keep an eye on you"

"Of course, he did" she said crossing her arms.

"What?" Nate asked knowing her angry face.

"Nothing" she said.

"He also mentioned you're back with your boyfriend"

"And you're back with your girlfriend" she said "So would you look at that were both taken. How very nice for us both."

"What is wrong?" he asked. "You're usually only this mean to Chuck, and he normally deserves it"

"Nothing, well I boyfriend is in Europe doing God knows what and I think I have feelings for my friend who is taken by a girl who can't stand me. Then there is the fact that the school playboy has a fascination with me that I can't shake him from" she said "Not to mention my ankle hurts like a bitch and I can't do the one thing that I want to do"

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