Carry One My Wayward Son

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Winchesters x Male Brother Reader
Reader is the oldest.

It was all going wrong, Dean,Reader and Sam went on a normal hunt, a hunter they never thought they'd be able to go one again.
It was easy! It was supposed to be easy.

Reader laid on the ground, holding his stomach in his hands, he had been stabbed, by what he assumed to be a vengeful spirit.
Dean and Sam were in the other part of the house, chasing down said spirit.

Reader was more worried about his younger brothers then himself dying, that is after all the winchester way.

"Dean!" Sam yelled a he watched his brother get thrown into the wall, this spirit was powerful, filled with angry and sadness.

Sam went to shoot the ghost with rock salt but failed, ended up getting thrown into the wall as well, him and dean were so tired and weak, this lonely old spirit had taken all the remaining energy.

The ghost was getting closer, closer to kill the two boys, that was when Reader showed up to save the day, ripped out stomach and all.

"Hey ugly" He breathed out, the ghost turned and growled, Reader smirked and dropped a book down on the floor, that was the thing this ghost was tied to.

"Burn bitch" Reader muttered and striked a match, the ghost shirked and lunged forward, only to go up in flames.

Then Reader fell, fell to the ground like a swatted fly, Sam was the first to get enough strength to slowly go over to his older brother.

Dean quickly came after him.

"Reader-" Sam started, Reader shushed him and chuckled softly, "D-dont worry about me" he whispered softly, Dean looked at his stomach and gasped.

"I- uh- don't think i'm gonna recover from this" Reader muttered letting his hands go back over his stomach, "You will! We just need to get you to the hospital" Sam said quickly, pulling out his phone, Dean nodded and muttered a quick "hurry up"

Reader grabbed the phone out of his little brothers hands, he couldn't say much more, he was losing his breath, his energy.

"Reader look at me!" Dean whisper shouted, Reader chuckled and touched Deans face with his bloody hand, holding Sams hand with his other.

"Dean. Sam." Even at such a hard time, his voice was stern and soft, tears pricked at the others eyes, Sam sniffled and leaned down, putting his head on his brothers hand.

"promise me you'll not bring me back?" Reader said softly, Dean was about to object "I mean it D-dean" reader breathed out harshly "G-go live you life, go get married and name a damn kid after me" he continued.

"Reader" Dean said softly, tears now spilling out of his eyes, Readers hand went limp, his eyes slowly closed and his slow breathing stopped.

Dean and Sam looked at their brother in horror, their big brother, the one that had been there for them no matter what, the one who didn't hesitate to fight with John over stupid things, the one who saves their asses more times than they could count.

The body went up in flames, Dean, Sam and Castiel watched it, they watched as it burned.
Castiel held Deans hand the whole way through, while Sam was on the other side holding his other hand.

†Supernatural x Male Reader Oneshots†Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant