Favorite Patient

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Doctor Sam x Patient Male Reader
Personality: Somewhat happy and kind.

Note:/ this is set in a mental hospital, Readers in there for small hallucinations not all of them are bad

A/N:/ I actually got inspired by a Sastiel fic I read about Castiel being a doctor and Sam being the patient.

Sam Winchester wasn't allowed to pick favorite patients, but of course he did, at first it was a 30 year old autistic african american man named Patrick, he was there because he couldn't do much on his own, but when he was moved to a different hospital Sam found a new patient.

Reader (Last Name), he was 25, had (eye color) and (hair color), Sam liked him for his personality, even with his illness he still managed to keep a small smile on his face, he didn't argue much, he questioned things he was given, but other than that he was cooperative.

"Reader" Sam said entering the room, Reader was sitting by the window on the small wooden chair, the window was open slightly making Readers (length of hair) flow softly.

Reader turned around to look at the doctor, Sam gave him a smile and held up a small cup of water and a packet of his medicine, Reader smiled a little and got up, going and sitting on his bed, facing Doctor Winchester.

"Nurse Megan is off on break, so I thought I might as well give you your medicine myself." Sam said handing the small thing of water to Reader, Reader nodded, staying quiet as he took his meds and set the now almost empty cup down on the bedside table.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked, Reader shrugged and looked back to the window, "better than yesterday" he said quietly, Sam nodded happily, "that's always good to hear" he said softly.

Reader nodded and got up, going and sitting by the window again. Sam went over and looked out the window, he looked at the small trees lining the street and some of the other patients walking around talking, Sam sighed and rested his hand softly on his patients shoulder.

"You want to go outside again I take it?" He asked, Reader nodded slowly and smiled, "I like going outside, it's nice and warm" he said softly, holding his hand out the window to feel to warm air.

Sam chuckled "let's go then, I wouldn't mind some fresh air myself" he said and looked at Reader, Readers eyes lit up and he nodded, getting up and going to grab his shoes like a little kid going to the park, he put them on and looked at Sam.

Sam smiled and walked out the door first, letting Reader follow behind him.

Reader sat on the bench under the trees, he looked at the other people in the small field, some where sitting down on the ground picking flowers or even just reading one of the few books they had, he wanted to go out with the others, but he also liked being alone in the shade.

Sam's arm was across the back of the bench, his leg was crossed over the other as well, he watched the others as well, feeling confident in them (as for some of them hadn't been able to get out of bed in days or weeks).

Reader was sitting happily, then he frowned, starting to shake a bit, Sam noticed the switch in behavior almost immediately, he uncrossed his leg from the other and put his arm around Reader sternly but softly.

Reader whimpered and looked at Sam with worried and tired eyes, Sam frowned and grabbed Readers hand, "take deep breaths" he whispered, Reader made more whimpering sounds as he did what he was told, he took a few deep breaths and lessened his shaking, but it was still to much.

Sam sighed and got up from the bench, lifting Reader up in the process, he carefully walked him back inside (luckily the door wasn't to far from the bench) and walked him to his room.

A nurse noticed and grabbed some medicine she had for Reader, she went to the room, helping Sam put the man onto the bed, Reader continued to hold onto Sam's hand as he took the small pills.

His grip loosened as he slowly feel into sleep.

It was a week later, Reader hadn't been outside his room ever since, he was afraid to be outside again, he didn't even want to look outside anymore.
He closed his window and blinds, looking away from it whenever he had the chance.

Sam watched him from the door way, frowning, he didn't like seeing his favorite patient in pain, emotional pain to be exact, it wasn't something he could fix with pills, but he wished it was.

"Reader?" Sam asked softly coming into the room, Reader looked up a little and sighed, "Sam" he said a gruffly, Sam smiled and sat down beside him, Reader reached out and held his hand gently.

Sam gave him a saddened smile, he leaned down and kissed his forehead softly, something that his brother had done for him a few times when he was little.

Reader blushed and moved to were he could see Sam's face, Reader lifted himself up and kissed Sam's cheek in the same manner.

Sam chuckled and watched as the tired reader laid back down and going back into his resting state.

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