Storms Brewing

422 15 7

- Dean (Fluff)
* wrote this late, so ignore the grammar errors please, I'm gonna re read it tomorrow 😅

- Dean (Fluff)* wrote this late, so ignore the grammar errors please, I'm gonna re read it tomorrow 😅

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Y/ns focused became hazed, he couldn't seem to get those loud booms out of his head and his ears. Although he was great full that the bunker offered some sort of noise control, he still heard it. He tried to get back to work, researching vampires even though he knew almost everything about them.

The radio beside his bed was loud, playing whatever music was on the station. Nothing was helping, not the music, not the small pep talks, every chance he got to try and calm down, came another boom of thunder.

He nearly jumped high to the ceiling when he heard a loud knocking on his door. Once he realized what it was, he calmed down a bit before yelling for the person to come inside.

"Can you shut that off?"

Deans voice sounded annoyed, and tired. Y/n hummed and reached over to the radio, about to shut it off when another strike of thunder hit. As embarrassing as it was, Y/n jumped and held himself for a moment. Dean watched this happen, a little confused.

"You alright?"

Y/n quickly nodded and unraveled himself, now turning off the radio. Dean sighed and crossed his arms, now observing Y/n to see what his next reaction would be. He wasn't stupid, he knew this all to well with Sam.

When they were younger, Sam would jump and cry at any sign of thunder, but that was all before he learned about guns and hunting.

"Don't scold me, Dean. It's off now."

Y/n spit out, feeling uncomfortable with the older Winchester just standing there. Dean huffed a laugh and closed the door, going over and sitting beside Y/n on his bed. Y/n scooted over a little and refused to look at Dean.

"Are you scared of thunder?"

Y/n shut the door harshly and glared at Dean, expecting nothing more than for him to make a joke out of it. Dean quickly went into defense, putting his hands up.

"Hey hey, calm down. It's not a...bad thing."

Dean put his hands down and took the book away from Y/ns hands, having to use a bit of force. Y/n whimpered a little and looked away. He felt like a child, a scaredy-cat. Dean sighed and put a hand on Y/ns shoulder.

"Sammy used to be afraid of thunder."

He muttered, laughing a little in his mind at the memory. Y/n looked over, a little curious. Dean smiled and nodded, continuing to try and distract Y/n.

"He'd scream and cry, never let me get any sleep."

He chuckled. Y/n hummed and smiled a little. It was immediately replaced with a look of fear when another strike of thunder shook the bunker, much louder and powerful without the radio on full blast.

Dean even jumped a little, but he quickly got over it. Y/n shook slightly, holding his arm while keeping his eyes tightly closed. Dean sighed quietly and got off of the bed, going on the other side and pulling the covers down on the bed.

Y/n didn't move, still glued to one spot. Dean got into the bed and pulled the blanket out from under Y/n, causing him to move slightly to see what Dean was doing.

"Lay down."


"Lay down, I'm tired."

Dean patted the bed and yawned, laying back with his head on the pillow. Y/n stared at him for a moment and then slowly got under the covers, laying there like a stick. Dean reached over and turned off the lamp, humming as he got into a comfortable spot.

"Come 'er."

He put an arm around Y/n and closed his eyes. Y/ns eyes went wide, he felt his body start to get more stiff, unsure on what to do. After a second or so, his body started to relax, getting a little closer to Dean.

He couldn't help but snuggle his face into the Winchesters side, almost in hopes of protection from the sound. Dean grunted at the sudden feeling, but didn't have any other reaction.

Y/n closed his eyes and tried to keep his mind busy, listening to the sound of Deans soft breathing and quiet heartbeat. He heard thunder every now and then, but for some reason he didn't feel the need to jump and hide.

He felt safe.

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