I Lied

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Sam x Demon Male Reader

Sam always trusted Reader, it took a while but eventually Dean trusted him as well, along with Castiel.
Sam felt like he could talk to Reader, and he knew he could trust him, he even proposed the idea of trying to turn the demon human again, to which he agreed.

"I'm going out for a beer, wanna come?" Sam asked, Dean and Castiel shook their heads, Reader did as well, he gave Sam a soft smile "I'll be waiting when you come back" he said softly.

Sam smiled and left the bunker, feeling excited about when he came back.

"You always go with him, why not this time?" Castiel asked looking at the demon suspiciously, Reader smirked and shrugged "just not in the mood to go out you know?" He said and walked out of the room.

"Something's not right," Dean muttered, Castiel nodded and stared at the doorway were Reader just was, he wasn't acting like himself, he wasn't acting nice like he always was.

"I knew it would happen" Dean scoffed, Castiel frowned and grabbed his angel blade, he stood up along with Dean.
Castile hid the blade under his sleeve and walked to Sam's room, which is where Reader always was.

Only problem was, Castiel couldn't get near the door, he was being blocked, he was being warrded against, Dean took note and drew his demon blade.

He walked closer to the door, he slowly opened it and gasped, "Was I acting to suspicious?" Reader asked pulling Dean in and shutting the door.

Dean swung his blade but that only made Reader laugh, the demon grabbed Deans wrists and forced the blade out of his hand.

(Sam Comes Home)

"Dean!? Cas!?" Sam called into the bunker, he put the pack of beer down on the table and sighed, "Reader!?" He called.

Sam didn't feel right, something was wrong, he could feel it.

He slowly walked in the direction to his bedroom and gasped, Castiel was ok the floor in front of his door.
He rushed over and shook the angel, "Cas!?" He yelled checking for a pulse.

Castiel didn't have one, or at least his vessel didn't, Sam got up and grabbed his gun out of his pocket, he raised it up and kicked open the door.

He was met with horror, his worst nightmares, Dean, God he, he was so bloody, he was alive, but dear God he looked like he shouldn't have been.

"D-dean" Sam felt like a child again, like a child who could do nothing but stand and stare at what was in front of him, he could only look, he couldn't move like he normally would.

"So glad you could make it Sammy" Sam slowly turned around, he was met with the black eyes he once found so beautiful, he once believed in.

"W-what did you do!?" Sam yelled, suddenly able to move forward to his brother, Reader chuckled and shrugged, "funny how the two of them were able to take down so many powerful people, but little old me was able to take them away just like that." He laughed.

Sam held his brother, he was angry now, "wake up Sammy, this is what you get for trusting a demon" Reader laughed loudly, and with a snap of his fingers he was gone.

Dean was gone, the blood was gone, the wardings on the walls were gone.

"Sam! Wake up man!" Sam shot up and looked at the man waking him up, "Dean," he whispered, Dean chuckled and patted his back, "Have another nightmare?"

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