Don't mind me

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Dean x Transgender Reader (FtM)

Plot/: Dean and Sam are on a case, they meet a fellow hunter and his sister Terry.

"Another hunter huh?" Dean asked, Terry nodded and took a large drink of her soda, she put it down and sighed, "This is a big nest of vamps guys" she said, "Don't need anyone to get killed" Sam nodded and looked over to the bathrooms, he saw Terry's brother Reader come out of the females bathroom, he shrugged it off and went back to talking.

(Time skip)

"Alright Dean, Reader will be with you and I'll be with Terry" Sam said and smiled at Terry" Reader and Dean rolled their eyes and looked at each other.

Terry smiled and grabbed her phone putting it into her back pocket, "Call me if you run into any trouble" she said to Reader, Reader nodded and patted Deans back, "Let's go partner" he said jokingly.

(Little bit later)

"Where the hell are they?" Dean muttered looking into the rooms, Reader sighed and looked into another room, "do you think they left? Knew we were coming?" He asked.

Dean nodded, "It's possible" he said and put his machete away, Reader closed the door he opened and opened another, he chuckled, "seems like they liked wine" he said and looked at the big wine selection.

Dean smirked and went in, grabbing a bottle, "I'm not a wine guy myself but-" he opened it and took a drink, he  coughed a little gave a thumbs up to Reader, "tastes great" he said and put the bottle back on the shelf.

Reader laughed and was about to take a bottle when he suddenly felt something against his neck, Deans eyes widened and he looked to whoever was holding the thing.

"How lovely~" a women's voice said, Reader looked up and struggled, "I wouldn't move to much honey" he woman mocked.

"Shove if up your ass" Reader grunted feeling the knife go harder into his skin, "Don't be so sure pretty boy" she whispered into his ear, Reader scoffed softly.

"I won't hurt you baby, but only if you leave right now" She said and glared at Dean, "I wouldn't count on it" Dean scoffed, she smirked and moved the knife away from Readers neck, quickly shoving it into Readers chest.

Reader gasped in pain, Dean was about to make his move before the vamp let Reader drop to the floor, Reader struggled to get up but eventually did.

"Your going to regret that" Reader spit out, the vamp smirked "now why would you think that?" She asked cockily, Reader smirked and grabbed his gun shooting the women's leg, she fell to the floor cursing the hunters.

Dean quickly went and cut her head off, Reader gave Dean and thumbs up before passing out.

(Small Skip)

Dean had laid Reader down on the hotel bed, he had called Sammy and Terry to tell them what happened to Reader, Terry had said that they were still trying to kill 3 other vamps, but they would be back soon enough.

So therefore Dean was left alone with a passed out Reader, Dean went and grabbed the first aid kit, Reader had woken up by the time he had found all the things he needed.

"Hey handsome" Reader crocked out, Dean chuckled and started to lift th man's shirt, Reader quickly stopped him, holding it down, "Buy me dinner first Dean" he said chuckling nervously.

Dean gave him a suspicious look, "I need to clean the wound Reader" he said sternly, Reader sighed and hesatently lifted up his shirt, showing his black binder.

Dean cleared his throat not completely sure what to say, Reader took off his shirt completely and looked at Dean embarrassed, "You need me to take it off huh?" He asked.

Dean nodded, Reader took a breath and nodded, unzipping it and slowly taking it off, he stopped when he noticed the other hunter was watching him, "Hey Winchester, this doesn't mean shit" he said sternly yet jokingly, Dean blushed and looked away.

After an awkward 6 minutes of cleaning and bandaging the wound, Reader put his shit back on and went to the bathroom, seemingly to make himself feel better.

"We're back!" Terry said opening the hotel door, she looked at Dean confused, then looked to the first aid kit on the bedside table, she frowned and pointed to the door, Dean nodded and Terry went quickly over to comfort her brother.

Once she went into the bathroom to comfort him, Sam sat down at the small table and looked at Dean, "Was it that awkward?" He asked setting down his phone, Dean rolled his eyes and looked at his brother.

"What the hell do you think?"


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