Love Letters

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Lucifer x Male Reader
Highschool AU

The love letters were nice at first. They said things like, "I think your handsome in everyway." Which always made Reader flushered. But now it was getting a bit our of hand.
Reader now started to get letters saying, "who was that guy you were talking to? You shouldn't be talking to him." Which freaked Reader out a bit on how aggressive it was.

It then became threatening, wether it was on Reader himself or his friends he hung out with at school. It soon became so much that Reader dreaded opening his locker in the morning.

Today was one of those days. Reader was opening his locker expecting another 'love' letter to fall out. To which it did. Reader sighed and opened it up, reading the "To Reader, From Unknown." Bit out loud like he did everyday. "You don't seem to like my letters do you? I've seen you open them and then just throw them away." That caught Reader off guard. He looked around for anyone who seemed to be watching. No one.

He sighed and shoved the letter back into his locker, deciding that it was best not to throw it away this time. He went on with his day a little paranoid but normal.
It was around lunch time now, Reader was hanging out with Michael and Castiel.

"Your still getting those letters?" Castiel asked looking at his friend sympathetically. Reader nodded and sighed, putting his hand on his chin. "They won't leave me alone! I mean it was fun and cute at first but now-" "It's alarming." Michael finished.
Reader nodded and looked around. "I swear I'm so paranoid now." He muttered.

"Well he is sending you death threat's." Castiel said softly. Reader groaned "don't remind me."
"Have you told the office about it?" Michael asked taking a bite of his salade. "No. They won't be able to do anything anyways." He said and pouted.
"I pity you Reader." Michael replied.

(Next day)

Reader opened his locker. Again there was a note. He pondered on wether or not to just leave it be. But his curiosity got the better of him and he opened it. But to his surprise it wasn't a death threat, or anything aggressive. It was a nice little note. "I'm started to get that your getting freaked out. Which I get why, I am coming on a little to strong. So I'm sorry."

Reader smiled a little and put the note into his pocket.

"Hey Reader!" Castiel called from behind him. Reader looked over and hummed. "I think I know who's leaving the letters." He said a little our of breath.
Readers eyes widened and he grabbed Castiels sweeter sleeve. Pulling him aside and out of people's hearing.

"Who is it???" He asked. Castiel sighed "Your not going to like it." He said a little sad. Reader sighed "Just tell me Cas." Castiel nodded and pulled Reader close to him, whispering in his ear on who it happened to be.
"Lucifer!?" Reader yelled. Castiel put his hand over his mouth, "Don't yell it to the whole school Reader." Cas scolded.

"I-i....are you sure???" Reader asked worried, Castiel rolled his eyes. "Why would I make this up?" He asked in a snarky tone. Reader sighed and looked around before looking to the ground. "What do I do?" He asked softly.
Castiel shrugged softly having no idea as well.

Reader sighed and looked at his watch, "I don't have class for another 10 minutes.....I'll go find him...." He said and grabbed his bookbag off the floor.
Castiel grabbed his arm, "Your not serious." He said anxiously, Reader nodded and pulled his arm away.

"He obviously likes me Cas, and yeah he scares the shit out of me....but I just-" Reader stopped and looked to the ground. "You want to return the feelings." Castiel finished for him.
Reader nodded and looked at Castiels confused and stern face. "Cas I-i just....I don't even know." He sighed and looked away.

Castiel nodded and patted Readers shoulder. "I don't get what you see in him, but you have my support." Reader smiled and kissed Castiels cheek happily. "Thank you Cassie!" He yelled and shrugged his bag over his shoulder.
Castiel blushed a bit from the sudden action and nodded. "No need."

(With Lucifer)

"Lucifer, he's not going to return the feelings man." One of Lucifers 'friends' said chooping away on his energy bar. Lucy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"I'm sure he will." Another friend said with a small smile. "He's a nice boy, no doubt he likes the whole bad bot scene." She added smirking.

"Yeah right." The other boy said giving the girl a roll of his eyes. She hissed at him softly and looked away.
She smirked "I'm guessing your wrong." She said and motioned for the two boys to look at Reader coming over.
Lucifer quickly fixed his act and looked at Reader coming his way. He took a breath honestly nervous.

"C-can we talk alone?" Reader asked coming up to Lucifer. The two friends nodded at one another and look off the other way. Lucifer looked at Reader, "What do you want?" He asked keeping up his act. Reader sighed, "I know it was you." He said softly pulling out a letter he had gotten. "I'm sorry for throwing your letters away." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

Lucifer took a breath, "Those aren't from-" Reader stopped him, "I know they are, and.......and I just wanted to say I returned your twisted feelings." He said looking down. Lucifer took that in for a second or two, not knowing how to respond to this.
Reader leaned to kiss the other highschool boys cheek.

Lucifers face turned so red he felt as if he was on fire, he looked away and just nodded. Reader smiled and patted his shoulder. "Let's have lunch together?" He asked softly.
The once mean devil of school nodded softly and gave him a little smile along with it.
Reader held his hand for a second before letting go. "I'll see you at lunch." He said happily as he took off to his class.

Lucifer watched the boy leave, he looked over and hid his face in his leather Jack sleeves. "God damnit." He muttered.

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