Odd Comfort

392 6 4

- Crowley (Fluff + Angst)
* This mentions SH, if you are uncomfortable with that in anyway please skip this story. I know it means little coming from someone on the internet, but I wish you the best with whatever struggles you have, big or small. I hope you have a wonderful day/night <3

Y/ns smile dropped as soon as he heard the bunker door close and locked

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Y/ns smile dropped as soon as he heard the bunker door close and locked. Alone again. He sighed and went over to the large table that sat in the middle of the room, he looked at the various notes that Sam had made, and the books that followed them.

He hated that he was the weak link between the brothers, as stupid as that sounded. He didn't have a backstory like theirs, he didn't have to deal with all the pain they went through. Part of him was happy for that, but that another part of him screamed at him that he wasn't worthy of being friends with them.

"Hello love~ Alone again are we?"

Just what Y/n needed. Crowley to come and bother him. The demon stood in front of him with his usual smirk and mischievous eyes, almost begging to be punched in the face. Y/n rolled his eyes and stacked the books on top of each other, trying to make it neat.

Crowley watched him, not saying a word. Y/n sighed after a while and looked over at Crowley, annoyed that he wasn't leaving, or at the very least talking crap as he always did.

"What do you want?"

Crowley rolled his eyes and went closer to Y/n, putting his hands on the hunters shoulders. He gave another smirk. Y/n put his hands on Crowleys arms and gave a little smile. At least someone was there for him, even if it was a demon.

Crowley peered over to Y/ns arms, noticing that his jacket sleeves were slightly rolled up. This was unusual for the hunter, seeing as he always coved them for whatever reasoning, it was clear what the reason was now.

Crowley hummed at the sight, quickly grabbing Y/ns left arm with interest. Y/n tried to pull away but as unable to as Crowley lifted up his sleeve all the way and took sight of the scars on his arm. The demon king shook his head, making a ticking sound with his tongue.

"Back to it, hm?"

Y/n snarled and took his arm away, putting his arm down and his sleeve along with it.

"Fuck off."

He knew there was a reason for Crowley being so nice all of a sudden, sure his attitude had gotten better since they made the deal (with the deal leading them to become more than customer and business), but this was a suspicious level.

"You know there's no need to do that anymore."

Crowley muttered, feeling a tinge of sadness run through his body. Y/n nodded, ignoring him the best he could. He didn't want to talk about it, he didn't care to talk about it with anyone let alone someone he knew would laugh at him.

Crowley sighed and took a seat, putting his chin in the palm of his hand. Y/n continued to ignore him, but that didn't last for long. Crowleys attempt at getting attention started with a punch.

"Do the boys know about this? Or are you keeping it to yourself again?"

Y/n sighed and shoved the books into a shelf that was right there, making a loud sound. Crowley watched as the hunter came over and sat at the table, looking angry and exhausted.

"Is this funny to you?"

"No, of course not. I wouldn't want my client to be unhappy~"

Y/n rolled his eyes and laid his head on the table, muttering something under his breath. Crowley sighed and got up, scooting his chair over so he could be beside Y/n.

"Talk to me."

Y/n huffed a laugh and picked his head up, looking at Crowley with an amused glare. He search for any sign of mockery, but his mind begged him to shut down, regardless of who Crowley was. He sniffled and looked down to his hands.

"Not that you care—but I never got over it in the first place."

Crowley hummed, allowing for Y/n to continue with his speech.

"When Dean and Sam asked for me to give up my blood, i had to do it...they needed it all the damn time! I just, I got used to it."

Y/n chuckled and rubbed the forming scabs in his arms, staring at them with a sense of hate. The brothers needed his blood for some ritual, something to do with his family member being a creature of some sort. He didn't listen, he was to engulfed in wanting to help to see how dangerous it would be for himself.

"I hate it. I hate you, I hate them—I..."

He put his head down and started to let some tears out, getting them on the table. Crowley sighed, partly in annoyance for not knowing how to handle this situation, but in a way of sadness.

The demon put a hand on Y/ns back, patting it softly. Y/n lifted his head and put a hand on the side of his head, trying desperately to stop the headache that was forming. Crowley grabbed the hunters arm, observing the scars.

"Your lucky that you have use to me,"

Crowley muttered, placing a hand on Y/ns arm and holding it tightly. Y/n watched him with curiosity, then looked down at his arm. He felt a tingle of pain before Crowley took his hand away.

"What that hell was that?"

"I healed them, well at least a demons version of heeling."

Y/n looked down and saw that the scars were almost gone, barely peaking out his s/c skin. The scars looked as though they'd been there for a while, having long been healed. Crowley got up from his seat and gave Y/n a smirk.

"Do I owe you? You didn't exactly help."

Y/n muttered. Crowley thought for a moment and then nodded, pushing in the chair he had just got up from.

"Yes actually, let's go eat somewhere~ I'm hungry."

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