Acting Tough?

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Sam snickered as he watched his brother try to get on a motorcycle, Dean gave him a glare and tried to balance on the bike. "Why are you even trying to ride that?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Totally not to impress a women. Or a man." Bobby said sliding our from underneath one of the cars, Dean rolled his eyes "Bobby, i am not doing it to impress anyone." He said acting offended.

"Don't lie to me boy." He said and rubbed his hands on his pants, "I'm not-" Sam interrupted with a loud laugh, "Dude, your not trying to impress Reader are you?" He asked snickering.

"Reader? You mean that boy who moved in a block away? The one who practically mocks you every time he sees you?" Bobby asked chuckling, Dean blushed of embarrassment and huffed. "He doesn't mock me." He muttered.

"Right. Calling you a freckled monster stabber is not mocking?" Sam asked sitting down, "speaking of him," Bobby said looking out to the street, where the familiar boy was riding his brothers bike.

"Hey Mr Singer!" Reader yelled parking the bike, Bobby waved, "What is it now Reader." He said and crossed his arms. "Dad wants to know if you have any spare motor parts for his truck." Reader answered stretching his legs.

"I'll go check," he said annoyed slightly. Dean quickly got off the bike and went over to Reader. "Hey Reader...." He said softly. Reader smirked "Hey there monster stabber, kill any creatures out of the closet yet?" He asked chuckling.

Dean rolled his eyes, "Cool bike, that yours?" He asked looking at the semi broken motorcycle. Dean got an idea, he quickly nodded "Yeah, pretty cool right?" He asked smuggly. Reader chuckled and nodded "Wanna go riding? My brother isn't home so I'm free to take off." He winked.

Dean gulped and nodded. "You sure you wanna do that?" Sam asked coming up behind them, "I mean you could barely-" Dean put a hand over his little brothers mouth, "Don't listen to him." He said chuckling awkwardly.

Reader nodded and yawned. "Well we can go after i get a motor for my dad." He said and grabbed Deans hand, "Be waiting for me?" He asked coping Dean's smuggness. Dean blushed red and nodded.

†Supernatural x Male Reader Oneshots†Where stories live. Discover now