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: FTM Dean Winchester (Fluff)

"You're sure this is, alright?"

Dean said nervously. This had been the first time he felt comfortable enough to take off his shirt, well, his shirt and as he called it his 'under shirt'. Y/n had stressed it more than ever when he found out that Dean rarely took his binder off, which was very concerning seeing as he already fought in it.

They had been together now for a few months, making Dean worry about how the other man would think of him. Of course he knew that Dean was transgender, and he fully didn't care, but Dean still worried he would be somehow uncomfortable with how Dean really looked underneath his shirt.

"Dean, you don't have to, alright? Just please, at least loosen it."

Y/n mumbled, not looking the hunters way per Dean's request. He wasn't going to ask, but he wondered if Dean had already done it, seeing as he knew that Dean was just standing there with the bathroom door open. He heard Dean sigh, and he heard the bathroom door close.

"I, i uh, took it off."

Dean muttered, quickly getting into bed. Y/n peered over slowly, not wanting to make it awkward. He smiled warmly at the hunter and got into bed beside him, making sure to be at a safe distance so Dean didn't feel overwhelmed. The older Winchester was never a touchy person, but it was even worse when he was hurt or upset for one reason or another.

"I'm proud of you, Dean. Remember, you can put it back on anytime, alright?"

Dean nodded and took a little breath before turning himself around. The shirt he wore was on the bigger side, it gave no indication that he had anything underneath other than skin, which was better to help him calm down and feel more comfortable.

Y/n continued to give Dean a warm smile, hoping that it would help at least a little bit. Dean slowly scooted closer, laying his head on the other hunter's chest. Y/n hummed happily and softly put a hand on Dean's head, rubbing his head and whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

"Its been a while."

Dean muttered, feeling some sort of tears begin to well up in his eyes. It had been a sort of protection to him, a safety blanket of sorts. He also never wanted to take it off for any reason around Sam, even though the young Winchester knew about it and often gave Dean the same speech that Y/n gave him about wearing it all the time.

"Is there any kind of relief?"

Y/n asked, kissing the top of Dean's head softly. Dean hummed. He didn't like it, but it did offer a little bit of a release on his chest in general. It no longer felt like it was going to collapse and his breasts had a little more room to sit. He wouldn't do it often, he already knew that, but for the moment it was alright.

"I hate it."

Dean muttered after a moment. Y/n furrowed his eyebrows and allowed for Dean to continue his thoughts.

"I wish, I dunno, Cas could take them away or something."

He laughed a little at his own thoughts and buried his face into Y/ns chest. This was unusual for him, being so touchy and needing affection, but Y/n was not in any way going to refuse or ask him about it.

"We'll get it done eventually, and then Cas can give you a quick recovery."

Y/n offered, a little worried about his joke. Dean responded well to it, laughing a little and then going quiet again, getting a little more upset now that he started thinking about it.

"You think I'll actually be able to?"

Y/n nodded and moved his hand from Dean's head to his back, softly rubbing it in circles.

"Yeah, I think so."

Dean nodded and smiled a little. He felt like the luckiest hunter in the world, having someone who, one, wasnt dead yet, and two, having someone who didnt care if he had the parts or didn't. For once in a long time, Dean really felt comfortable in his own skin.

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