Don't mind me (02)

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It was the next day, the vamp nest had been delt with and it was now time for all the hunters to go home, Dean was loading up his Impala with his and Sam's stuff when he saw Terry walk up to him.

She sighed and helped him load up the things, "Look Dean, Thank you so much for patching up Reader" she said softly, Dean nodded still unsure what he was feeling about that.

"Look at me Dean." She said bluntly, Dean looked over at her, he could see she was very serious, "I think you should talk to Reader about what happened," she said and put her hand on his shoulder, "We both know last night ment more to you both then your letting on" she said and smiled softly.

"Your the only one besides me who's patched him up before, and that means a lot to him, it means a lot that you even continued helping him even when you knew" Terry looked over to the hotel door, Reader was still inside healing.

"Please talk to him" she said in a begging tone, Dean looked away and nodded, not really wanting to talk about it.

(With Reader)

Reader sat at the small table chugging down his (favorite drink), Dean walked in and awkwardly sat down across from him, Reader put his drink down and looked at the other hunter.

"Hey handsome" He said like everything was fine, Dean suddenly felt flushered by those words, Reader sighed "look I know your here because my sister made you come talk to me" he said and crossed his arms, "Dean it's okay if you don't like me anymore, I'm not mad at you for thinking it fucking weird" he said chuckling sadly.

Dean shook his head "It's not weird, it's just,” he stopped and looked at Reader, Reader gave him a soft smile, "Just because you saw my tits doesn't mean I'm any different" he joked, Dean chuckled and nodded.

"Well now that everything's out on the table" Reader said and grabbed Deans hand, "I really like you Dean," he said softly, Dean looked down to their connected hands unsure what to say, "A lot to take in I know," Reader chuckled, "So I'll let you think about it, you have my number, when you've thought about it give me a call" he said and took his hands away.

(Skip to a week later)

"Sammy where's my phone??" Dean asked coming into Sam's room, Sam rolled his eyes and looked over at his brother, "How should I know" he said going back to his computer.

Dean rolled his eyes and went to the main room, Castiel was sitting there with Jack, "Cas where's my phone?" Dean asked, Castiel shrugged and looked around, "It's in the kitchen" Jack said smiling at his adoptive father.

Dean nodded and went to the kitchen, he grabbed hus phone and took a breath, calling up the hunter he had met before.





"Hey! It's uh Dean."

"Dean Winchester! I was beginning to think you'd never call!"

"Haha yeah uh I wanted to talk to you about what you said."

"Right, well I'm all ears."

"I uh....I think I like you as well."

"You think? That's great!"

"Yeah, but I'm still not completely sure about....well you know..."

"....right...well it'll take time Dean....I'm okay as long as you're supportive of my choice."

"Yeah I am."

"Alright...well....let's meet up somewhere? Talk this over in person?"

"That sounds great...."

"Alright handsome....I'll text you when I come around your area."

"Okay Reader."

(Major time skip)

"Dean you can't be serious!" Reader said looking at the ring in Deans hands Dean smiled and handed it to him, "This isn't a chick flick moment" he said sternly, Reader rolled his eyes and let the other put the ring onto his finger.

"I can't believe this is happening" Reader said looking down at his finger, Dean nodded and lifted Readers head, he kissed his lips softly and smiled.

"I love you Dean Winchester."

"Same to you Reader (Last Name)."

†Supernatural x Male Reader Oneshots†Where stories live. Discover now