Dr Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) //"Don't Be Afraid" Part 2// ❗️ENDING REWRITTEN❗️

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Hello, a quick message from yours truly, before you read this is a continuation of the first part, so I recommend you read that part first, enjoy! If you want a part two of another imagine, leave a comment! (❗️T.W. references to suicide and sexual assault will be in this imagine so please read with caution❗️)
Imagine, you are enjoying your new found life with Jonathan Crane, everything is perfect and you even have a new job as a mercenary, he gives you unconditional love and nothing can be better!

Life works in really weird ways, at first being saved by a masked man isn't much, but for you, it's life changing. Ever since that day, you've been with some ex members of the mob, along with Jonathan Crane, the "masked man". Ever since his little stunt he's been in hiding with some of the former members of Maroni's mob to avoid getting detained and he took you along for the ride to. They've been gaining power by selling their hallucinogen along with hits on police officials, and rivals which is your job. You're a mercenary now, a big change from being a receptionist but you like it. Your current place of residents is a warehouse on the outskirts of Gotham City, doesn't sound glorious but you're happy.

"You don't think I can take him?" You say this with a hint of playful bravery.

"Well, no. Nobody can, you would have to have years of training."

"Yeah, but he ruins everything!"

"One day The Batman will pay for it, the criminals of Gotham will rise up again, and when that happens, he will get what he deserves." Jonathan says as he hands you a folder containing another hit for you, nothing big. You want to try to kill Batman, but that's impossible,  but a girl can dream can't she? You used to hate chaos and crime, but now you've grown to it. He sits down on a chair by a desk, you are sitting on a bench parallel to the desk, it's his office. You put the hit profile in the folder then on his desk, he looks at you and smiles.

"I don't know why you insist on being a mercenary, it's a bit dangerous don't you think?" He always tells you this, to be frank, you wanted to be a hitman because you wanted to be useful and it turns out you have a hidden talent.

"I'm not afraid of danger."

"You wouldn't of said that a year ago." He laughs slightly, and you roll your eyes

"Tha-that was a different kind of danger!" You laugh to and he leans in to kiss you but two men walk in so he jerks away quickly. The men pull a chain and another man enters the room, he is wearing a suit, he looks very official.

"We got him Crane." The male on the right says triumphantly, you aren't sure who this is, but Jonathan does, he smiles and moves out from behind his desk.

"Really! Damn, I didn't think you guys would of done it!" He looks at the man in chains and his two man push him on ground. "Bring him to the white room, this will be fun!" You look at Jonathan's face he looks a bit insane, but you love it.

The "white room" is a room in the back of the warehouse, it's set up like an asylum room and this is where people that cross Crane of get in the way go. the only time they leave is when they die and they have to dispose of the body. Crane's men take the man to the white room, and Crane enters the room and places a suit case on the table and makes the man sit on the seat by the table, you watch from the windows that reveal what happens in the room. Turns out this man is a lawyer who tried to get him convicted a while ago because he found out Crane worked for the mob. Wow he holds a grudge. Jonathan talked to the man for a little, sprayed some mist in his face and put on his mask, the man's scream is so loud you can hear it from the room you in. Jonathan walks out and takes off his mask. His victims usually go completely crazy and they end up killing themselves, Jonathan told you once that it was because he loves to see how much the mind can take, before it turns on itself. You kind of understand, anything in the name of science. you look at the suit case in the room, inside is a rope.
"Get some rest, you have a long day tomorrow." Jonathan nudges you sightly, you are reading the Gotham Times.

"I know, but I'm not tired yet." You are both in bed, the warehouse has quite a few rooms, but It was abandoned so everything in it was fair game and that's were the bed came from. You read about a man that dresses in clown makeup, he robbed a small bank in Gotham, interesting. You hear a scream, it's comes from the man from earlier.

"Suit yourself, but if you fail, you'll be the next person to enter the white room." He's obviously joking you giggle.

"You drive me crazy enough, your little hallucinogen wouldn't effect me." You joke back and he pulls you close to him.

"Don't pretend you don't love it!" He takes your newspaper and you roll over to face him, he kisses you and your heart starts to race, you really do
love it. You cuddle close to him and close your eyes.
The wind blows furiously, your H/C hair waves around, you are hiding behind a building, you make sure your gun is close, your target should be here shortly, he comes here every week to meet with his money counter, you go on the ground and get your act together. You pretend to be hurt, a helpless woman always draws in men. He walks around the corner with his two body guards, he is wearing a grey shirt, a white undershirt and a red tie, the classic mob outfit. He sees you and looks down at you.

"What happened doll-face?"

"It's...nothin...ow." You say in a fake breaking voice. He tells his two body guards to meet him inside so they go inside the building, he bends down to your level and helps your stand up he smiles, the smile a man puts on when he sees something he likes. He leads you to the back of building he is supposed to enter and into the back door.

"Wha..what are you doing, sir."

"It will be over quic-" He couldn't finish what he was saying you shoot him and smile and run out the door and run till you reach the getaway car. You hear shots follow the car but the men can't keep up for long, you breathe heavily. Adrenaline!
"I did it!" You say proudly when you see Jonathan, he smiles and looks at you lovingly.

"You impress me every day Y/N/N" He gives you a soft kiss, you look at the window behind him, the lawyer is hanging. He wipes some blood off your cheek, it wasn't a "clean" job because of how close range the shot was."I don't have as good as news as you."

"What happened?"

"Unhappy customers, they didn't like what I was selling and they want a refund, and my head." He says you look at him a bit confused.

"Why are they unhappy?" You say as you lean against a wall.

"It's a long story, but their boss wanted to buy some sort of miracle drug, something that makes someone feel instant bliss and I gave them something a little different. I don't know why they are making a big deal out of it." 

"What did you give them?" You already know who the unhappy customers are, probably the mob. You remember the profile of the man you killed, he works for Maroni, maybe it's the same mob that he ripped off.

"I said I had what they wanted but I gave them the fear toxin. They payed a lot for it to. Buyer Beware." He smiles but you aren't amused. "They are trying to find me, so I'm going to work something out with them."

"That seems way to risky! What if it's a tra-" He kisses you quiet.

"Don't worry, I have people coming with me, and if things go south, I'm smarter then them I'll get out of it." He sounds confident but you are still worried.

"Just be safe, I don't know what I would do without you."

"Don't be afraid! Everything should go as planned..."
I really like writing for this character and I enjoy this scenario a lot, I don't know why, maybe a part 3 but this kind of leaves off at a good point for me. ( ^ω^ ) also fun fact: I wrote this while sleep deprived and while listening to "Jump Up Superstar" so pls send help. ❗️Update❗️ I rewrote the ending to this story and fixed some minor inconsistencies in just saying because if you are re reading I don't want anything to he confusing)

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