Scarecrow's Ending //"Kidnapped" Part 2//

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(TW Mention of a minor eating disorder read with caution)

Imagine, it's the night before the bank withdrawal, you can't sleep and you really just want to escape the place you are trapped in, your wishes come true, you have a rescuer but why would he want to help you?

You toss and turn on the dirty mattress, its pretty late, you would guess it's around 1:00 am, but you aren't sure. Thoughts swirl around your head, "maybe I could still trick them tomorrow." And "maybe there is a way to unlock that window." The window you are speaking of is a window on the right wall, it's locked with a padlock and there is nothing in sight to break it with. You tried being nice to the men that kidnapped you hoping at least one would feel a hint of sympathy for you, but nope, you're still here. You begin to feel very upset, after this withdrawal they are going to torture you, your fate is sealed, you just bought some time. You cry, soft small tears, you don't want to be to loud or else they will hear you. You curl up in a tight ball, the only sound in the room is your weak sniffles, it's like that for another hour.

You've stopped crying, you are looking at the ceiling not thinking of anything, just kind of zoned out, you hear a loud crash and jump you almost scream until you realize your window is broken. You jolt up, then see a figure go through the window, it's dark so you can't see it well, you back away from it, but it says,

"Quick come with me, they will be here any second." The voice is familiar you recognize it instantly, Scarecrow.

"Why? So you can experiment on me?" You say hesitant, you hear a sigh.

"No, just come." You hear footsteps approach as he says this, you don't know what to do. He's been wanting to experiment on you since he meant you, can he be trusted? But he also could be helping you escape.

"Promise me!" You say as you see the nob turn, they locked the door you hear keys rattle, you both look over at the knob.

"I promise-" As he says that, the door swings open, in enters Black Mask, he points a gun at you, then he moves the gun towards Scarecrow. You both pause, you two are close to the window.

"So you're helping her!" Black Mask yells. "You want her money to yourself!" He cocks his gun, you move closer to the window but Black Mask shouts. "If any of you two move I'll shoot you both!"

"Y/N cover your mouth and nose quick." Suddenly the room fills with a thick mist, you immediately cover your face. Black Mask shoots his gun and collapses on the ground screaming, you panic hoping you don't inhale the mist. Nobody is hit by his bullet. Scarecrow grabs your hand and pulls you through the window. You are on a ledge and you both jump down and land on old mattress, he must of planned this a little. You uncover your face and after the jump and after climbing up the fire escape of a near by run down apartment building you two are on a roof. You breathe heavily trying to catch your breath.

"W...what the he..hell was that...the mist." You pant. You are both behind an air cooling system, out on a roof, being on a high structure in the open like this, someone like Scarecrow is a good target for Batman so you still need to hide.

"F...fear to..toxin..he s..should be out for a..for a while." He says trying to catch his breathe, it's a very hot night so it's not making things easier.

"Damn." You have more questions but first you are going to wait till both of you can at least breath. After two minutes you both seem ready, you sit on the edge of the roof, soon followed by Scarecrow. You look at the moon for a few minutes, it's a full moon.

"It's hot, you probably should take off your mask." You say as your eyes are illuminated by the bright stars and even brighter moon, he looks at you for a moment and shakes his head.

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