Roman Sionis (Black Mask) //"Bad Apple"//

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Imagine: You family owns multiple successful companies located all over Gotham. They decide to throw a masquerade ball for all the elite families of Gotham, the Sionis'  are on the list.

"I don't want to go." You are on your bed, reading a book. You hate parties, all the rich snobs in one room judging every little thing, no thank you.

"Honey, this is our chance to show Gotham City our class." Your mother is already dressed, she's holding out a mask for you. It's a half mask, it only covers the eyes and nose, it's gold and black and resembles a king cobra head, which is your families emblem. She looks down at you hopeful. "Please darling. Maybe you'll have fun, there will be other families attending with sons your age, who knows maybe you might find l-"

"Fine I'll go, but don't bring love into this." You sit up and she hands you the mask. You get changed into a corresponding black and gold outfit and your parents lead you to a limousine that drives you to the parties destination. Your family arrives early to make sure everything is up to par. You sit down on a chair by the exit, playing with your mask.
After an hour the festivities begin. A piano player along with a full band is playing up on the stage. Everyone around you has their masks on and are drinking and having fun. They are all fairly old and they sound pretty self centered. You stay close by your parents, you might be way to old for that, but you don't want to socialize with this crowd.

"Come on Y/N/N! Go talk to people!" Your mother says as she sips her drink, three to many mom.

"No thanks, how am I even supposed to know who I'm talking to." You fiddle with your outfit.

"You ask for their name, or wait till the unmasking." She pats your shoulder and tries to get you to talk to some of her friends. You cross your arms, your dad joins in and when they are done a different family greats them.

"Its been some time hasn't it?" The man in front says, your assuming he is the woman's husband and the three men behind them's dad.

"Oh yes it has, but it a pleasure to see all the Sionis together for a change." Your dad adds. You hear a scoff from their son on the right, they must be referring to him, he doesn't look to happy to be here either. You forgot his name, but his family has more power then yours. The man in front laughs.

"Yes, we don't come together as a family as much as we should, well most of us are together often. Is this Y/N?" He looks at you and you don't give him eye contact. Your mom nudges you secretly so you can say something, but you don't. She sighs.

"Yes, as you can tell she isn't very excited today...or any day for that matter." They all laugh you cross your arms.

"Want to know what would make me very excited, a I'm going to go get one. Be right back." You lie, you aren't to thirsty but it's an excuse. You go to the beautifully laid out drink station. It's all fancy wines you can barely pronounce. You take a glass of a red wine, you aren't to sure what brand and lean against the wall. Of course you have no plans of returning. You look back at your family, you can't ever have a good time. These rich people things don't excite you, you need more thrill and adrenaline, but you don't know what would fuel that. You sip the wine and cringe, it's disgusting. You look at the Sionis',  they all look happy, they are all wearing corresponding masks, while the one on the right looks just as thrilled as you and is wearing a very fancy and flashy mask, it's colorful like his suit, while his family's mask are standard in color. You think to yourself about a lot of things, the main being why you can't find happiness in things most people would. You ponder that for a short time then here a voice.

"Not a fan of this either?" You look to your side, it's one of Sionis', the one that was an obvious outlier. You nod and laugh slightly.

"Never, ever will be. To much snobs in one place, the music is way to boring, the drinks are disgusting." He smiles and nods.

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