Joker //"Well, I Love You."//

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(T.W. Things will get a little forceful no smut because I don't write that stuff but if kind of forceful things are triggering I would avoid this imagine)

Imagine, The Joker's been holding you hostage for days. You are the daughter of a wealthy figure in Gotham. You are scared and want to leave the hellhole you're in, but you can't escape and you don't know his intentions, maybe you'll find out.

You gently tug at your chains, all hope for escape is gone you've been here for a week. You look around the room at the blood stained concrete walls, that's about all that's in the room except for more sets of chains on the walls. You whine and try to get into a comfortable position, your legs hurt from not standing and your stomach growls, your kidnapper's men feed you occasionally but only one meal a day, why is he keeping you alive? That thought always swirls around in your brain, he must want something from you. You are the daughter of Gotham's tech giant Giovanni Y/L/N, he has invented many new innovations for Gotham's police force to use and he has been paid plenty for it, maybe your kidnapper is keeping you for a ransom, maybe he just wants to see your mental demise. You kidnapper is none other then The Joker, Gotham's Prince of Crime. It was only a week ago so you remember it well.

People surrounded you, they filled the room you were in, each one looking awed and starry eyed at the stage in front of them as your dad revealed new tech for the police force, you weren't as interested. What your dad does is cool but you just wanted to get out, it was late and you could be doing more interesting things like clubbing or studying for your upcoming exam, you are a college senior after all. Your dad insisted you stayed for a little and socialize so you did but you wish you didn't. As your dad finished his unveiling loud bangs fill the room, people immediately ducked as shattered glass from the glass ceiling rained down, you darted underneath a table which is covered in a long blue table cloth after hearing a deep laugh. You couldn't see anything but you could definitely hear people, well one person.

"Now why give these inventions to some men in uniform when you could lend them to a clown!" You immediately know who it is, who else could this clown be, it's Joker. You hear gun shots and cry softly, you don't want them to hurt your dad. People scream and you hear a helicopter. "Take the equipment back to the compound men!" The Joker yells after a chuckle. You peak out from underneath the table, you have to make sure your dad is ok, you only see purple fabric, you accidentally brush up against it, it makes you gasp and the person bends down and smiles at you, it's  Joker. "What do we have here?!" You shake and he laughs and grabs your arm and pulls you out from the table, you scream and try to pull free. "Aw a feisty one!" You glare and immediately look at the stage where your dad was, you see blood but not a body. You see bodies around you though, The Joker grabs your face and shifts it towards him.

"Miss Y/L/N, why hide such a pretty face!? You could of at least said hello." The Joker pouts jokingly and you shiver then whine as he smiles intensely at you and shoves you to one of his men in a clown mask.

"Take her."
And that's how you were kidnapped. You haven't been near a TV so you don't even know what happened to your dad or how much people died at the unveiling. You cry out gently as you move your leg, it hurts really bad. Small tears trail down your cheeks you want out, you want your dad to be ok, you want your old life back. You hear a creak then jolt up and look at the door, a man steps in with a gun, you cry louder. He's wearing a clown mask.

"The boss wants to see you! I wouldn't fight or else I might have to shoot you." He walks by you and unlocks your chains, he grabs your arm and pulls you up, you scream at the pain. You've been chained for a week your legs burn, you almost collapse but he holds you up. He pushes you out of the room and keeps a gun pointed at the back of your head, you walk, shaking with each painful step and whine at the tenderness in both of your legs. After a minute of walking the man shoves you to a room, the door is closed.

"Go in." He says in a deep voice, you nod terrified and open the door, you see a mattress with a small TV. You look on the mattress and you see your kidnapper laying on it in a green vest and a blue dress shirt he chuckles.

"Nice to see you again Miss Y/L/N!" He says happily, you grit your teeth and hold back frustrated tears. How can he be this cocky when he could of killed your father. "You must be drained, lay down!" You want to say no, but there is a gun right by him, you slowly walk to him as tears stream down you face you can't be strong, he grabs your arm and pulls you down on the mattress. "Turn on the television, I think you'll like the station." You do and it's on the news, you listen closely as his arm goes around you, you are still crying.

"Gotham National Hospital has released a statement regarding the incident a weak ago involving tech giant Giovanni Y/L/N. They stated that "Giovanni is paralyzed from the waist down due to the gun shot wound but is planned to recover. This is the same shooting that took the lives of twenty others and injuring another fifty. The daughter of Giovanni,
Y/N is still said to be missing. The Joker is said to be the perpetrator and he is currently wanted for arrest. And this just in!" The reporter chimes, you cry out and The Joker pulls on you in a cuddling manner. You want to hurt him, but you know he'll beat you to it.

"Shhh doll, it could be worst."

"I want to go home! I want to see my dad!" You cry as you gasp for air. Joker hasn't let go of you, he has you really close to him, you can feel his breath on your neck. The reporter continues.

"We just got a letter at our headquarter from The Joker it says, if you want your daughter, Y/F/N to stay alive you'll have to pay a twenty million dollar random by tomorrow night, if it isn't payed in full by 10:30 pm bad things will happen." Joker reaches across you and turns off the TV, you shake and still cry. You don't want to die.

"Now now, don't get worked up." He rubs your back before cuddling you again, what is his deal? You know this is to mock you.

"How can I not! You're going to kill me, you paralyzed my father!" You yell, he laughs softly in your ear. "Why are you doing this..." you roll over and face him, he sees your big tears race down your face, grazing your soft skin.

"They'll pay the ransom, and your father was nothing personal, I just wanted what he was in front of." You can't stop crying, you're frustrated and upset. The Joker moves a hand to you cheek and feels your tears, the feeling of him being in total control of your emotions makes him feel passionate. He wants to make you feel this way, he wants to make you emotional because that means he is on top. He kisses your lips, you try to pull away but he pulls you to him so you can't. After thirty seconds he pulls away, his makeup smeared on your face. You cry more and bury yourself underneath his chin, you don't want him to get the satisfaction of seeing you like this. He cuddles you tight as you are close to his chest, he hears your muffled cries. He rubs your back gently and laughs once or twice.

"I hate you...I hate you....I hate you!" You say into his chest as you cry. He doesn't stop rubbing your back in such a comforting manner.

"Well, I love you."
After a while of having no ideas for Joker I finally came up with one. I wanted this to kind of be true to character, I wanted him to be a bit more brutal then how I normally write for him so things did get a bit forceful. I think I have a part 2 in mind if you guys actually liked this! (Update: Part 2 out now!)

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