Dr Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) //"The Lioness" Part 2//

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Imagine: You meet up with Scarecrow and everything went fine, he seemed very interested in some of the work you do. The person you hated became your friend, for now. A few months later Batman tracks you down and destroys your compound and you are left with nothing, who do you turn to in a moment like this?

After your first meeting with Scarecrow, well it wasn't really a meeting you tried to kill him. Anyways you meet back up with him an hour after. Everything went good he wanted to talk about some of the work you did with genetics and you were interested in what he did to. You both learn a lot about each other, he used to work at Arkham and you told him about your fascination with lions and how you were able to extract DNA without harming the lions. After that day you two stay in contact, he's helped you with a few small jobs around Gotham, he knows Gotham City better then you and you've helped him once, you were protection when he was breaking into a lab to steal some useful things. He would never tell you this, but he's starting to really like you. Your assistant was shocked to hear that you didn't kill him that day, but she was accepting of the fact that you showed mercy, which is something you don't really ever show.
It's been two months since your run in with Batman and Scarecrow and things couldn't be better. You robbed two establishments and made easily one million dollars. You are sitting down on a couch sipping a cup of coffee when your assistant walks in.

"Boss, guess what! I'm getting married!" She sounds really happy, you jolt up and smile at her.

"Really? He asked you!?" She's been with someone for a long time but he's never popped the question she nods happily and you pat her shoulder. "Congrats, do you two have anywhere planned yet?"

"No, not yet but honestly I love him so much it doesn't matter where we have it, I just want to have it!" She looks up at you and you smirk. "Have you met anyone yet? I've known you for a while but I've never seen you with someone." You laugh and roll your eyes.

"Love isn't my thing. In a lion's pride, the male is a piece of shit just like when it comes to humans." You look in the mirror and look at your teeth, your two front canines stay sharp like little vampire fangs she walks next to you.

"Aw come on, they aren't all bad!" She giggles and you look down at her.

"Yes...yes they are. Even the men that work for me are pigs, never met one I liked. A female lion's job is to take care of the male, hunt and raise the cubs. But I'm going to change that."

"Oh Y/N....learn to love. I know you can melt that icy heart!" She teases and you grab your heart playfully and act like you're dying.

"No never!" You both laugh and you push a piece of hair away from your face. "Take the rest of the day off and celebrate with your new fiancé."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." She goes to leave but then the door snaps off it's hinges, you back away and duck behind some furniture as you know who it is, Batman. Your assistant scream and Batman quickly ties her up your claws begin to show. You transform into the Lioness. You dart out from behind the furniture Batman trips you, you roar to alert your men. You scratch his cape and leave claw marks, he goes to tie you up but he is pushed by your men bursting in, you growl.

"How did you find us!" You say between forced snarls Batman tosses one of your men to the ground and shoves four others to the wall.

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