Dr Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) //"Patient" Part 3//

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(Quick A/N: 300 READER SPECIAL! Thank you all for 300 reads, I could never imagine 300 people would even want to read something I wrote and it's not a lot of readers but to me each one of you mean a lot! So to celebrate here is the third and final part for one of my personal favorite imagines! This was the secret imagine I talked about in my last A/N so please enjoy!)
Imagine, it's happening, just like he promised, chaos. You are prepared, you put on a mask that covers your nose and mouth and go outside to see it. This glorious event doesn't last long, it stops suddenly, you find Crane but he isn't how you expect him to be

Independence, freedom, and hope are a few of things that were gifted to you the day you were set free from Arkham Asylum. Living on your own has its challenges but it's better then living in a cell with guards controlling your every move. You live in a modest sized apartment located in Gotham City. Of course with your schizophrenia you don't have a job, but since your family was murdered a while ago you have become somewhat of a trust fund baby because of the money in the bank. It's been two months since Dr Crane let you escape, and you miss him everyday but you know that any day now the time will come for you two to meet again, and the time will come for Gotham City to fall.

"Ugh...how late did I sleep in?" You take a peak at your alarm clock, it's 1:00 pm. You find that you've been sleeping a lot, you hear a scream and jump, you yawn and look around and see a figure start to appear but then it quickly dissolves. Your schizophrenia has gotten a lot worst since you left the Asylum, but you've managed. You don't have anyone to help you get through the visions like you used to so you help yourself. You stand up and change into some half way decent clothes and brush your hair, you look down at the sink, which is in the bathroom counter and to the far right you see a black heavy mask and a sticky note attached to it that reads, "when the time comes use this" which is signed by Crane, you keep it somewhere you will remember. You go out into your small living room and turn on the TV, nothing really interesting is happening today, it's pretty mundane. You don't leave the house much, you are always paranoid that someone will hurt you, ever since your family got murdered you don't like to wander alone.

"Well, shit another un appealing day..." You whisper to yourself as you get comfortable. You don't know what's to come.
It happens fast, really fast. You hear a loud bang from outside and dismiss it at first thinking it's just in your head, but you see mist out your window, you smiles and laugh. "Holy shit, it's time!" After you say this you go to the bathroom to grab you mask, it covers your nose and mouth and it's really heavy, you dash outside and see people on the ground crying, some are running away from nothing and others are fighting other people getting bloodier by the minute. You know how it feels, he tested the hallucinogen on you a while ago, and it was pure hell, so you can't imagine how bad it now that it's literally everywhere. The sky is dark as screams grow louder from the people around you. You remember Crane telling you that after the main event is over to meet him by the asylum, you sit down on the sidewalk and laugh, the pain everyone is feeling, everyone is like you now.

This whole hallucinogen plan didn't seem to have any flaws, but The Batman makes his own flaws. The whole plan was blown, the air became normal after about an hour or so. You look around confused, how? Is this apart of it? You know it's not, he would of told you, is now the time to go? You start to walk, then run. You find a abandoned car, keys still inside and you start to drive it. You look around as you drive, people are standing up, some look asleep but alive, they look very confused but that's it. You drive faster you need to get there, something is definitely wrong. After a bit of a drive you reach the gates of Arkham Asylum. The guard abandoned post so sneaking around the back is easy, once you get to the back you notice he isn't there. You don't blame him, something went horribly wrong and he is probably trying to handle it. After about ten minutes you see a figure approach you rub your eyes not sure if it's just your imagination but it's not, he comes into few but he looks very different. His hair is a mess, he doesn't have his glasses, and he has a stressed look in his face, it's really different compared to his normally professional look.

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