Joker //"Cell Mates" Part 2//

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(T.W. A little bit of gore)
Imagine, The Joker and you have been cellmates for about two months, and there is never a dull moment, but you both are sick of it. He has been planning to escape for a while, and now that he has you for help, he makes his move.
It started very suddenly, you didn't even know he was planning something, one minute the guards opened our cell door, and they next they are shot dead. The Joker stole the guard's gun and swiftly shot both, this caused an alarm to go off, he quickly grabs your hand and rushes out of the cell.

"J, what are you doing!?" You run with him, very confused, is this an escape?

"Breaking out!" He laughs and shoots another guard  you hear gun shots and The Joker pulls you around a corner. He peaks out behind the corner and shoots another guard, he takes a few deep breathes and he
slowly lets go of your hand. He laughs as a guard approaches him and he suffers the same fate as the last. "We will escape and then we will both create beautiful chaos!" After he says that a guard swiftly comes around the other side, not the one closes to him but the one closest to you, the guard shoots you on the leg and you collapse, it hurts really bad. You hear J laugh,

"Oh man, you shouldn't of done that..." He shoots the guard in the head, guaranteeing no chance of survival. He grabs your hand again. "This is going to hurt, but try to run we are so close!" You stand up and stumble, he holds you up and you try to run, it hurts really bad, but you know this is your only chance to escape this hell. You run with him, whining in pain as you both run. You both make it to the back exit and a car is waiting, you both quickly get in and your whine again, your leg hurts so bad.

"Drive, you know where to go!" The Joker laughs and then he look at your leg, you are both sitting in the back seat he gently grabs your leg and puts it on his lap, you scream softly. "Calm down Y/N...this is going to hurt just grab my hand." You grab his hand shaking, the car speeds down the road you wonder where you are going but you are in to much pain to ask.

"W...what are you going to do?" Your voice is soft and shaking, he looks at the bullet hole.

"I'm going to remove the bullet from your leg." You widen your eyes and he rubs your leg around the bullet hole. "Just stay still." He takes our a knife from the car's cup holder you look away and hold his hand tight he put the knife in the bullet hole, you scream loudly and he quickly removes the bullet, you are in a lot of pain you hold in more screams. "It's over." You let go of his hand, the hand he used to remove the bullet is all bloody, and so is your leg.

"T...thank you." The car stops and you look out the window, you are at a weird warehouse like building he laughs and gets out of the car, then helps you out.
Since the escape you two have both been committing many crimes together. The escape was around a month ago and Gotham has been in chaos ever since.

"All I'm saying is that we have to make the bat suffer." J says which is followed by a chuckle. You nod, The Batman has been a very well known figure in Gotham, but to you, he is just a pest.

"I agree, but how?" You are sitting on an old couch, he sits down next to you and you sit up.

"We should have there be an ultimatum, something that will ruin Batman either way!" He smiles as you do, you stand up and go to get some water, you limp a little, your leg has healed a little but it still hurts sometimes.  He gets up and follows you, he lets your use him for balance, he might be the Clown Prince Of Crime but he's always really nice to you. He leads you back to the couch and he kisses you. He really
is your whole world.

"Hey J..." You voice trails a little and he smiles at you,

"Yes?" He looks at you and you yawn.

"I love you!" You laugh playfully and he does to, he gently picks you up from the couch and gentle places your feet back on the ground, he wraps his arms around you and sways you a bit.

"I love you to Y/N/N." Your bodies move gently as he hums. Your heart flutters, you love it so much. "Don't ever leave me, please." His voice is soft, you shift your weight from your bad leg to your good leg as you both dance.

"I won't ever leave you J, I love you to much to want to be separated from you." He laughs and plays with your face a little, he caresses your cheeks and lips, you're blushing a little and he pulls you into a powerful kiss. He's your little clown! After he pulls away, he smiles down at you, his makeup around his lips is a little smudged you smile up at him.

"Oh Y/N/N, it must of been fate that made you my cellmate!" He laughs and you giggle playfully.

"Fate, or insanity!"
Well that was part 2, I know it's not great, but  I wanted to write for The Joker again!

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