Dr Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) //"The Green Assassin" Part 5// (Final Part!)

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(If you don't understand why it's a different character, read A/N 7.I recommend you read A/N 7 before reading any the Green Assassin stories.)

Imagine, Your life will never be the same, The Green Assassin is feared by Gotham but also in love with a fellow criminal. You aren't planing anything big, you need a little break. But you run into some old friends.

"Its so cold!" Your sitting up in bed pressing the blankets close to you, next to you is the very person who helped you escape Batman, Crane (He isn't a fan of his being called his first name). He looks over from his book and at you, he smiles.

"How do you think I feel, you took all of my covers." He laughs for a second and so do you, you give some of the blankets back to him but he lets you keep them, he puts down his book on the nightstand closest to him and takes off his glasses, he pulls you into a tight warm cuddle as you both lay down. "Better now?" You smile embracing his warmth.

"Much better!" You say a little bit muffled because of how close you are to him. It's pretty late but you two normally stay up for a while. You never really sleep, it's always been hard for you to settle down your thoughts and just relax, sleeping by Crane's side has helped, but you have your sleepless nights.

"I...I love you." Crane says tiredly after a yawn, you blush and cuddle even closer.

"I love you to!" You say happily, after a few minutes you can hear his breathing get heavy, he's asleep. You close your eyes tight trying to do the same, you listen to his breathing as it soothes you into a very light sleep.

Throughout your entire life, you never felt this kind of love with someone, everything he does you adore and you feel like you can be yourself around him. This whole journey you had has been the best two years of your life, you started off training with Two Face, one of the best mentors you could ask for. Then a year later meant up with Roman Sionis, Gotham City's colorful crime boss who funded your biggest attack on Gotham City yet. You then got help from The Joker in distracting Batman, it didn't work out too well, but that's good because if everything went as planned you would of never meant the love of your life. You would love to see anyone of these people again, it's a good thing Roman's club is opened often.
"Give me one good reason why we should go there?" Crane says looking at you reluctantly, you look at him with a convincing look in your eyes.

"Because, Roman helped me a lot with my attack, and I haven't seen him since then. I owe him a thank you." You are finished getting dressed into a sort of formal green outfit.

"Yeah, but that's not the best crowd."

"Trust me, I can fight for the both of us if something was to happen, plus nothing will!" You hear an audible sigh, he isn't a fan of large crowds well he isn't a fan of large crowds without his mask on and you don't like crowds either but you do owe Roman a thank you for the funds.

"Fine. But I choose where we go next week." You giggle for a second, he smiles and you two are both ready to leave. You both arrive at The Black Mask Club, once you two get out of the car, you pat his shoulder for a second and he looks down at you.

"It won't be for long, I promise." He nods and smiles down at you. You don't want to put him in an uncomfortable situation but he was to worried about you going by yourself so he wanted to join you. You both enter and like always it's loud and there is a lot of people, you find a place away from the crowd and you two both sit down. "If you want anything, there's a bar right there." You point and he nods, but before he can stand up Roman finds you.

"Hey Y/N!"

"Hey, how did you find me so fast?" You joke,

"Well everyone looked at you, you're frightening the crowd." He laughs and so do you.

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