Roman Sionis (Black Mask) //"Oops." Part 2//

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Imagine, you've have been with Roman Sionis for almost a year, you haven't told your dad because he is his rival, he would never approve. But before Christmas dinner with your family you let it slip during a argument and you have no where to spend Christmas, but neither does Roman.

Being in a relationship with your dad's number one competitor isn't easy, obviously. He knows you have a boyfriend but he's never met me him so of course like any dad would be, he keeps nagging about it and every time you come home he checks you over to make sure he didn't hurt you. Each day his curiosity over your mystery man grows, so your dad brings it up on Christmas Eve.

"Listen, please just tell me who he is Y/N. I won't judge I just want to make sure you're ok." He sounds a bit upset you shake your head.

"He likes his privacy dad. Plus he would never hurt me." You think for a second, he did almost kill you, but you aren't afraid of him. You hear your dad sigh.

"You're lying. I was giving you this last chance for you to tell me the truth, but I guess I can't trust you.

"How do you know?"

"The last time you left, I had some of my men follow you. You can connect the dots. Why him!?" He looks pissed, and you feel like your privacy was just invaded, you stand up and glare at him.

"Why would you do that! I'm a fucking adult!" You scream, you aren't really angry but you're scared that he is going to get mad, and he is.

"Then don't live under my roof! You know how dangerous he is! You know we're rivals right!" His face is growing more red you shake your head.

"He's not dangerous! I've been with him for a year, nothing has happened yet." You feel so anxious, you don't want to choose your family over Roman, but it looks like where this is going.

"A YEAR!" He  snapped, you told your dad that you've only been dating someone for a month. Oops.

"Yeah..." He slams his hand down on the table.

"Choose right here and right now! You can either live here with your family or be with that scumbag!" When he says this you shake, shit this isn't what you wanted. You play with the bottom of your shirt nervously.

"I don't want to...please don't make me." You sound very sad, you love your family, but if your dad really loved you he wouldn't make you choose.

"No! Right now! It's Christmas Eve Y/N. Who do you want to spend it with, because I bet a man like Sionis sure as hell is spending it with 10 other girls!" You back away, if he cared so much he wouldn't let his emotions get in the away of yours. This is the only answer he needs. "Okay then. Get out. Now." You don't want to leave, it's really cold plus, maybe Roman is spending Christmas with other girls, then what will you do. You leave and just walk.

It's cold really cold. You are wearing a coat but it doesn't help much, you keep walking, looking up only occasionally. You don't want to cry, you don't want to let this get to you. After about an hour of walking, you make it to where Roman lives, you don't want to be a burden to him, but maybe he'll let you stay the night at least. You knock on the door and one of his men greats you and walks you in. He's in his living room sitting on the couch. He looks up at you and smiles.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting you!" He stands up and when he gets closer he can see how red your face is. "Wow. You look like snowman, what happened? Sit down."

You sit down and he sits down next to you, you sigh. "My dad kicked me out. We got into a fight." You don't want to tell him what the fight was about. He places a hand on your cheek to feel how cold you are.

"Ugh, I hate when that happens. Does he know it's Christmas Eve?" You move a little closer to him, he's so warm. You nod. "Oh. His lost. We can spend Christmas together!" You smile after he says this, it makes you feel way better.

"Really? You don't have anyone coming?" He shakes his head.

"Nope." He takes a sip of his drink then puts in on a glass coffee table and he wraps his arms around you. "Fathers are weird, they care for you one minute then think you're a pest the next." This reminds you that Roman also has some pretty deep rooted daddy issues. You look around the living room and notice no Christmas decor, you understand Christmas is a bit overrated.

"Yeah, but I'm realizing that I don't really care that much, I have you and right now that's all that matters!" You are all warmed up, he laughs and rubs your leg.

"Exactly!" He gives you a playfully kiss and you hug him tightly after. Who needs family!
Later that night, you are both ready to go to bed, you kind of forgot that your dad threw you out, it doesn't phase you.

"So you don't want to leave cookies out or anything?" Roman jokes as you go into bed next to him, you laugh and shake your head.

"No, but we could at least leave carrots out for the reindeers, they work pretty hard." He chuckles and kisses you, every time he kisses you, you can't help but blush and hug him. He automatically pulls you to him.

"I don't want to bring this up, but why did you fight with your dad." He slowly loosens his grip on you so you can answer without being muffled. You don't want to tell him the truth.

"Oh, just...politics." You look up at Roman trying to convince him, he looks down at you and raises an eyebrow.

"Come on Y/N/N, that little pause convinces me you're lying." He rubs your cheek and you blush, if you tell the truth he'll feel bad, but if you don't he'll get mad. You take a long deep breath.

"I don't want you to feel bad, ok? But it was about you. Last time I went out to see you he sent one of his men to spy on me. And obviously he doesn't approve and he made me choose."Roman looks down at you, he sighs.

"Y/N/ shouldn't of chose me. I hate your father with a passion but he's your family."

"Yeah but I really love you, if my dad loved me he wouldn't let his emotions get in the way of mine." He pets your head and you close your eyes.

"I love you more then anything, but-" You kiss him, you don't want him to worry about it. Your dad will probably get over it. Once you pull away he looks into your eyes so innocently.

"Goodnight baby." He tells you as you wrap your arms around him.

"Goodnight!" You nuzzle closer to him until no more space is available. You close your eyes and feel his chest move as he breaths, this comforts you and you fall to sleep.
It's Christmas. Normally on Christmas morning you would be greeting family members that came in from out of town, but on this Christmas morning you are eating breakfast with Roman and his assistant. It's weird not doing the things your normally do but you don't mind. After eating breakfast nothing much happens, it's like a normal day. You never liked Christmas, it's to happy and joyful, plus you had to act all nice and polite to your family and act like a different person. Later on in the day, Roman severs you some wine and you two just talk. You two don't get "personal" often, but you do. You know at times he can get really stressed out, and he can't really handle himself, but he tells you much more. You tell him things too, you tell him about your mom and how she left you at a young age and how your dad has never been the same since. You two cuddle and drink as the talking continues. It's not a traditional Christmas, but it's the most realist and best one you've ever had.
Yeah I know this is a bit short but I only have ideas for one character who I write for way to often (go ahead guess who 😐) but nonetheless I hope you enjoyed

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