Joker //"Criminal Chaos"//

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(Thank you so much to @XBubblegumbunnyX for the request! I love combining characters within the same story. Timelines probably won't line up but don't worry about it ( )
Imagine, your image means a lot to you. You are a lawyer assigned to a case about Roman Sionis, a big name in Gotham. It's a small charge but he isn't happy, you are invited to his club and get into some serious trouble but you revive some unexpected help.

"Settle in, I'll be back to talk in just a bit ok?" Roman Sionis flashes you a smile, it's very forced you can tell. You nod and place both hands on the table, it's very loud and bright at his club. You don't know why he wants to talk, but it's most likely about you being a lawyer against him in a small drug case but you aren't like the rest of Gotham City's lawyers, you can't be bought. You lean back, and wait for Sionis, a white haired man approaches you and then gestures Sionis to him.

"Well then, might as well skip the chit chat, how much would it be to get you on my side?" He smirks and you sigh.

"Listen Mr Sionis, I can't be bought. I already have evidence gathered, if I were to just abandon the case it would obviously mean you bought me out." After saying this he immediately shakes his head.

"Yes, but I come with some pros! I can keep you protected nobody will even think about it! I can pay you far more then anyone could, name your price." He is charming, but you can see right through it, you stand up. He quickly stands up and puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Fine, but stay for a drink. I want to show you what I can give you for your silence." Sionis looks at you trying to convince you, you sigh and nod.


"Great! Follow me. He starts to walk and you follow him, Zsasz get her a drink." Sionis gestures his white haired assistant to the bar and you both stand there waiting. You look around, everyone is dressed in fun clothing especially this one man. He is wearing a purple suit with a green tie and he even has green hair, or maybe it's just the lighting, this man is looking at the wall so you can't see his face. After a moment Zsasz comes back with a drink and he hands it to you, you take it. Sionis begins to walk so you follow, Zsasz following close behind, little do you know the green haired man is following to. Sionis leads you through a few rooms and down some steps you are looking at a room with a concrete floor and support barriers, you've already taken a few sips of your drink. You look at Sionis and see Zsasz smiling behind him.

"Where are we?" You say softly, you notice you are feeling tired you reach for the support beam and grab it feeling a little dizzy.

"Well Miss Y/L/N, we are in your final resting place. Enjoy!" He laughs along with his assistant, you go to run but collapse, you are to weak. You look at the ground and see dried blood stains, you aren't his first victim. You try to scream but Zsasz puts tape around your mouth. You close your eyes to drugged to keep fighting but before you pass out you hear a bellowing laugh.
You flutter your eyes open, you yawn and slowly sit up and rub your eyes. As soon as you open your eyes you get a migraine, you whine and grab your head. You look around, slowly remembering what happened. You are in a dark room, you can't see much but you see purple and green fabric by what you assume are the walls you see a door which has knives sticking out of it, it slowly opens and you crawl backwards on the bed you're on. You see a man enter and immediately say still tired,

"It was Sionis!" The man's response is a laugh, the man turns on the lights revealing to you that he is a criminal much more feared then Sionis ever will be, he's the green haired man from the club, he's The Joker.

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