Harvey Dent (Two Face) //"His Devil"//

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Imagine, you have always been different. Compared to everyone you have always been more of a recluse. Your eyes have always been a bright red and you have the power to control the most feared element, fire. You are the leader of a criminal group called the Fallen Angels and Two Face has taken an interest in your power.

Everyday you live a life of excitement, you are the leader of Gotham's new and feared criminal group The Fallen Angels. The group is famous for murdering those on top and looting, each act of violence is concluded with fire. I probably should tell you how you became the leader of these criminals before I get to far into this.

You were born different. The first thing everyone noticed was your eyes, bright red. Of course they didn't really suspect anything, everything was normal until you reached the age of 17. You were attending your senior prom, nobody asked you but you still went because your parents told you that if you didn't go you would regret it. To shorten this up, people started to bully and even hurt you leading to your Carrie moment. The moment someone laid the first hand on you, you clenched your fist and then released, fire everywhere, it happened so fast. You stayed on scene afraid of yourself and mesmerized by the carnage. Police took you in and placed you in a cell in Arkham Asylum, all cement, you couldn't hurt anyone in there. Your eventual escape a year ago made you into the criminal you are today, they call you simply Devil. After you formed a name for yourself you actually gained followers and made your own group The Fallen Angels.

You are sitting on a red throne surrounded by ash and burnt skulls. Two men enter and you look down at them.

"Boss, we have a gift!" They pull on a chain and a man comes in, you immediately recognize him, it Gotham's new district attorney! You smile down at him and jump off your throne.

"Wow! Thanks...this should be fun." He looks up at you and immediately into your eyes.

"P..please spare me. I have a family!" You laugh and turn around pretending to walk back towards your throne.

"Oh, well in that case, let him go boys." After a sigh of relief you sharply turn around and laugh again your hands begin to light up a little. "I hate when they say "I have a family" does the devil care?" You grab his necktie and pull him close to your face, he looks into your eyes and he shakes. "You see, anytime my boys do anything, it always ends in fire. They lit your little mansion on fire, you don't have a family anymore!" He looks at you his eyes change he looks mad but he restrained there is nothing he can do. You let go of him and he collapses to the ashy ground. You look down at him and smirk.

"You monster! How could you!" His cries encourage you, he lounges toward you but one of your men pull on his chain. You kneel down to his level and pull him close to you again.

"Have you ever looked the devil in the eyes?" Your voice is fiery. He shakes his head weakly. You stand up and aim your hand at him and fire shoots out of it lighting him up in flames, he screams for a few minutes but after a while he stops. You look at your men and kiss them both on the cheek. "We'll time for a new D.A." You cackle and go to sit back on your throne but another one of your men walk in.

"Boss, you have a visitor." You turn around and face him.


"Two Face." Ahhh you know him. You just burnt up Gotham's D.A. but he was the one before him, he's also pretty burnt up from the pictures you've seen on the news.

"Why is he here? How did he even find us?" He shrugs and you think for a moment. "Let him in, but keep him in chains." He nods. You doubt a criminal like Two Face would ever be chained but he comes in in chains, it must be important.

"How did you find me?" That's the first question you ask, this compound is pretty hidden.

"It took a while, but I got one of your men to squeal." After he says this you glare. "Oh don't worry, he's dead now." you sit back on your throne.

"Well you seem determined. What's up?" You yawn and look at him, you hands shake and you quickly clench your fist to stop it, sometimes you can't control your power.

"I've taken an interest in your work." He goes to walk closer but he is stopped by a burnt body and your men. "I need help with something, and the person I interrogated told us of your power."

"The devil doesn't work for free. What's in to for me?" He didn't even tell you what to was, but you would help with anything for the right price.

"The death of Gotham's famous bat." After hearing this you raise an eyebrow.

"How can you promise this. I could fry Batman myself."

"Then why is he still alive?" You scowl and cross your arms. Your men have had run ins with Batman plenty of times, but you haven't. All you know is that he's gets in the way of your plan to take over Gotham City.

"How will you get him in a vulnerable situation?" You hear Two Face snicker and you look at him curiously.

"Because, I found out his identity. I could of killed him myself, but he's taken down my men and me multiple times. But you, if you joined me he would be as good as dead." This intrigues you.

"Who is he?" You get off your throne and approach him he smiles.

"You'll find out if you join me." Smart. You cross your arms and look at him

"You have a deal." He holds his hand out and you shake it, time for Batman to fry.
It was a crazy idea, that's why it didn't work. Everything went smooth until Batman, also known as Bruce Wayne started to fight. Two Face tried, and when you came in Batman was already prepared. He engineered his suit to be fire resistant. The only thing that went right was that both of you two got away, and Batman did get injured. You're both pissed. Two Face takes you back to his compound, to discuss a different plan, but it's been a week.

"Maybe we should just stop trying." You are sitting on a couch spilt perfectly in half, one side is white and the other red.

"Maybe, but not yet." He sits down next to you, thinking about your defeat makes you mad. Your hand start to glow and you clench your first tightly. You haven't left his compound because Batman is after you, he has leads and so The Fallen Angels are also with you. But he's agreed to let them stay if they help him. "He's after you, if he was to get ahold of you, I don't believe he would spare you."

"Death comforts me. Hell is awaiting my arrival." Two Face laughs and look at you.

"Yeah, but why die when Gotham is still in need of fixing." He gestures his assistant and she hands him two drinks. He gives you one.

"True. This whole thing just makes me really stressed out." You sip your drink, you hands get hot from anger as you hold the glass, the drink starts to bubble so you put it down and hold your own hand to stop it. Two Face looks at you and grabs your wrist.

"Calm down, it's fine. We'll get him, and when we do will make him suffer." You look at him. You've never felt the feel of a comforting touch before, your eyes get really bright, he laughs.

"Hopefully." You say quickly. He notices your movements. Even though it's a small gesture, you can't help it, any kind of touch from someone has been to harm you.

"Nobody has ever comforted the devil before?" He teases, you nod and he moves his hand to yours.

"Be careful! It's hot." You try to pull away, he looks at you.

"You think I can't handle it...look at my face." He smiles and you smirk. He grabs your hand and then after a moment he puts two fingers through your choker and he pulls you close to him. He stares into your eyes and smirks.

"Do you think I can make this devil mine?" He says as he kisses you. You feel such a hot fiery rush. You widen your eyes and you can tell your lips are probably burning hot after he pulls away you can't help but blush. He's gazes at your eyes. "Let's make Batman burn together."

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