chapter 1

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I hated days like this, days when my bones ached. I could barely drag myself out of bed. Did I say bed, I meant a dirty old sheet with holes in. That was my 'bed'. Kevin made sure I knew that I didn't deserve one. He was right, I didn't deserve a bed, I didn't even deserve this sheet.
I forced myself up but collapsed back down. Last night was bad. He wouldn't stop hitting me even after I did everything he said. I deserved it though. I always deserve it.
I managed to get myself dressed, not that I had much clothes. 2 pairs of leggings, 2 t-shirts, 1 hoodie, 1 zip up hoodie,1 pair of trainers and 1 pair of pajamas but luckily I had a few underwear sets.  I didn't even own them, Kevin made it known to me almost every day how he had bought them and he could take them away any second. He had done in the past, and I had stayed wrapped in the sheet that I call bed for days.
I was now in my hoodie and leggings. I was freezing but wearing a t-shirt underneath would be stupid when I could wear it tommorow.
Kevin used to make me wear makeup to cover the bruises but after it started to fade during school and the teachers getting suspious, he stopped hitting me in visible places, now it was just my stomach, legs, back and sometimes my arms that he hurt.
I would have told someone but there was no point I'd just end up in the foster system and probably abused there. I deserved it anyway.

I slowly made my way downstairs to start on the chores, I didn't want another beating like last night. I had forgotten to add eggs to his breakfast, god I was stupid and then I missed cleaning away one of his beer bottles. It was stupid. I definitely deserved it. How could I have been so careless.

I placed the last bottle in the bin but before I could take it to the bins outside there was a knock at the door. Please don't be one of his friends. Oh god. What if he gave them me again. No. I could always sneak out the back. If I was caught I'd be punished even more.
"This is the police department, please open up" a strong voice was heard and I sighed in relief. It wasn't them. Thank god I threw away the bottles before they came.
I opened the door and 2 police officers, 1 male and 1 female along with a woman dressed in a penic skirt, shirt and blazer. "Hello Miss, I'm Officer Brookes, this is officer Davids, and this is Miss Harrison" the male officer spoke in such a unfamiliar tone. "H..hi" I couldn't help stutter due to nerves. What if they knew? Kevin would definitely kill me. "I'm afraid your step father was arrested for drink driving and assulting a officer. We checked if he had any priors and he does so it looks like he will be sent to prison" the femalw officer explained and I had to resist the urge to smile. He was gone. "What will happen to me now" I ask already knowing that Miss Harrison was probably a social worker. "Well we did a check and found you have 3 brothers. Miss Harrison contacted them and your oldest brother agreed to be your guardian" the male officer spoke and I gulped. I had brothers! They will probably be the same as Kevin. I can't expect much. "Usually we like to do things more formally but all the homes are filled up and finding a temporary foster family is hard on such short notice, we always aim to put children with their biological family" Miss Harrison explained but both officers rolled their eyes. "There must be at least one foster home she could go too" officer Davids asked and Miss Harrison shook her head. "I'm sure her brother's will take care of her, after all the stories have never been proven" she spoke in a fake cheery voice. "What stories" I ask hoping I could know more about my so called brothers. "your brothers arent the best of people, we can't prove anything though only that they are ruthless business men.  If you don't feel safe you can get in touch with us or Miss Harrison"  Officer Brookes told me and I gulped. Ruthless was bad. Very bad. "Now dear why don't you go pack, One of your brothers will be meeting us at the police station" Miss Harrison said and I nodded.
Luckily none of them followed me back inside. I quickly headed to my room, the basement and grabbed what was needed. I looked at the box under the stuff that had been piled in here for storage. The box contained everything I could rescue that belonged to my mum before Kevin threw it away.
A locker
A picture of me and her
A journal
I had never looked at the journal, I felt it was a invasion of her privacy but these were the last 3 things I had of her. I knew I would have to keep them hidden, my brother's won't like it if I have them out.

"Is that all" Officer Brookes asked me and I nod "I recently out grew my clothes, My step father was going to take me for some more this weekend" I lie. They seem skeptical but nod and lead me to their car.

Not long after arriving at the police station, a man in a shirt and dress pants walked in, his sleeves were rolled up showing his tattoos and I couldn't help edge back in my seat, wishing that I could dissapear. This man was scary,  he looked annoyed and a look of disgust passed his face as he looked around. He would be like Kevin.
"Ah Mr Adams, you definitely wasted no time getting here" Miss Harrison greated him when she spotted him.
So I was right he was my brother. Well shit .
"Well it's not every day my brothers and I get told our sister needs a guardian" he shrugged and his eyes scanned the room once more, only this time they landed on me. He then approached me and I shrunk back. Please don't hit me for looking up. I really didn't mean to break the rule.
"Riley?" He asked and I nodded slowly.
"I'm Noah, I'm the 2nd eldest. Sebastian the oldest is busy with work and Lucas the 3rd eldest is at school" he said with a smile. Why was he smiling? What was he planning?
"Mr Adams, the trial of Kevin James is in a few weeks time. Miss Harrison has informed me that your brother sent the paperwork through about an hour ago by email but a meeting will also need to take place in a few weeks to see if it is the place for Miss Adams to live" Officer Brookes spoke, his voice wavered a bit showing how nervous he was. "My brother is a busy man but I will let him know when he comes home from work. Are we free to leave?" Noah replied and the police officer nodded reluctantly.

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