chapter 18

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After me and Sebastian parted from the hug, his facial expression turned more serious. I gulped waiting for what he had to say. "Riley we need to talk about the next steps" he said and I nodded. "When are you due for your period" he asked and I couldn't help laugh at how awkward he seemed but his face remained serious "this is serious Riley"
I think for a minute and realize it was yesterday. Shit. "Yesterday" his face remained serious but I did see a quick glimpse of worry. "Ok, I want you to go upstairs and take a pregnancy test" he spoke carefully. My eyes widened. No I couldn't be pregnant. Could I? No I wouldn't, I refuse to have a child. "Riley, calm down. It's going to be ok. If you want the child,we can take care of it. If you don't want it then we have options to get rid of it. It's going to be ok" I nod, not trusting my voice right now. He hands me a pregnancy test and all I can do is stare at it.
No. I can't have a kid.
"How about I come upstairs and wait in your room while you do it" he offers and I nod.

So we go upstairs to my room, he waits in my room, I told him he could sit but he preferred to stand. I went into my bathroom and with a shakey hand I took the test out of the box.

I couldn't be pregnant.

I leave it for a minutes after doing it, it says 5 minutes so I leave it in the bathroom and open the bathroom door and quickly go into my room. Sebastian looks at me and I don't speak, instead I hug him. Tears begin to fall, my only thought right now 'i couldn't be pregnant'. Sebastian comforts me, "it's ok, we will get you through this" he said and held me tighter. I reluctantly let go of him after 5 minutes. "I don't want to be pregnant" I whisper as I look to my bathroom. "That's ok. We are going to take you to the doctor later anyway. We can talk about options" he said and I nodded. "Maybe I should just throw myself down the stairs" I mutter but he heard. "You will do no such thing" his tone was no longer caring and back to serious. "Do you want to do it instead" maybe I shouldn't have said that. His face turned deadly. "Go check the results" I nod, not daring to go against him right now.

They would always beat me after they did it. They would stab me, and throw me down the stairs so I wouldn't get pregnant, I don't think I ever have but if I did and I didn't know about it, they will have killed it, Kevin had a habit for pushing me down the stairs.

I shook the thoughts of Kevin and his friends away and looked to the test.

I breathed a sigh of relief, I wasn't pregnant. I smiled knowing after today I could put this behind me.

"It's negative" I tell him and he smiles "thank god" he mutters. "Right we need to visit the doctor's" he stated and I shuddered. "no I'm fine" I tell him but he doesn't look happy. "This is non negotiable" he said but that didn't mean i wasn't going to try "I don't want to go, I'm fine" I tell him again. "Does it look like I
care if you want to go or not. You have been raped Riley. We need to double check you're not pregnant or have a STD" his tone was raised and I knew there was no arguing with him so I nodded "now?" He nods at my question.

*Time skip*

We sat in a room. The tests had just been performed and I was still in the hospital gown.  The anxiety was growing with each passing minute. Suddenly Sebastian's phone rang ending the deafening silence. He had tried to talk to me but I couldn't anwser, I was too nervous so all I could do was sit in deep thought.
Sebastian picked up the call but he didn't bother to hide his annoyance. I decided to listen in and because I was sat next to him I faintly heard the other person.
"Where are you Sebastian" it was Noah and although faintly I could tell he wasn't happy.
"I'm out with Riley" Sebastian said, I was thankful he didn't tell him where.
"Seriously Sebastian, you're even neglecting work for her now. You have a meeting which was suppose to start 10 minutes ago and you're off doing god knows what with Riley" I heard it all clearly this time due to Noah shouting.
"Yes, this is more important than a meeting. You're my second you take the meeting"  and with that Sebastian ended the call.
"Sorry" I mumbled, feeling guilty he was missing work.
"Don't be. My meetings are not as important as you" he reassured, his usual cold hard look wasn't as cold anymore. "whatever happens we will get through it" he said as the door opened and the doctor came back.
"I'll get straight to the point Riley as I know this might be nerve-wracking for you. You are not pregnant and you have no STDs" my worry vanished and I smiled "that's great, thank you" I tell the doctor and he nods. "Thank you for letting us know , we should be going now though" Sebastian said.

Time skip

When we reached home, Lucas appeared from the living room with a bag of M&ms
"How did it go" he asked and stuffed a few m&ms into his mouth. "Good, she's fine" Sebastian told him and Lucas smiled "that's great"he told me but his smile faded as he turned back to Sebastian "are we still ..." He trailed off and Sebastian nodded "definitely" Sebastian had no emotion and I shuddered.
"Let's go watch a film Riley" Lucas said and practically dragged me into the living room.

We sat and watched some film I had never heard off, Lucas kept handing me snacks which I would eat in little portions. Sebastian had also joined us and looked more relaxed than usual as he snacked on popcorn.

I really didn't expect to be liking Lucas more than Noah but Noah had some serious anger issues, he was too strict.
Lucas who had apologized so many times now that I had forgiven him. He was just a boy who missed his mum. I think I'd probably act the same.

"What the fuck is going on, you said what you were doing is more important, not less. This meeting was important Sebastian and you are sat here with popcorn"

We all turn and see a very annoyed Noah.
"Let's go upstairs" Lucas said to me probably sensing the argument that was about to happen.
Thankfully Noah stepped aside and we both walked out.

"I suggest you don't use that tone with me" Sebastian said and we both looked at each other and turned around.
A silent agreement that we would listen in.

Ok so just a quick note. To make the tests make sense, the rape happened two weeks ago. I did change it in previous chapters for it to make sense.

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