chapter 20

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Sebastian had asked multiple time if I wanted to move school over the past week, it had been a week since he found out, a week since Lucas started treating me like a sibling, a week since Mr Sparks had gone 'missing'. I wasn't oblivious, I knew Sebastian had something to do with it.

Lucas and I had grown closer, however I couldn't fully trust him, he had been so insulting I was fully prepared for him to go back to the way he was.

Noah was still scary, he still had no idea what had happened. I asked Sebastian and Lucas not to tell him, the reason being I didn't want him to start being nice out of pity, that would be worse than his current behaviour.

Sebastian was still as strict and cold as always however he was starting to show it less. I think that's why I trust him the most. He has been cold and strict since the beggining, his actions were always well thought out. Unlike Noah who acted nice then cold and Lucas who was cold then nice; Sebastian was always cold. Yes I know you might be thinking why does he hug you if he's so cold. Well that's an exception. He will give comfort when needed but he is cold. His attitude has never changed. He was strict with rules, there was consequences for actions, there was his signature deadly look. He was constant. I knew I could rely on him the most.

It was Friday evening and Sebastian and I were going to fly back to Florida tommorow morning to meet the social worker and to clear out the house before it is sold, anything that hasn't gone will be thrown away. I would be happy to have it all thrown but that would look suspicious to the social worker. I wasn't ready to open up.

"Riley are you all packed" Sebastian asked from the other side of my bedroom door. "Yeah, you can come in if you want" I tell him and seconds later he enters, with his usual cold expression wearing one of his many suits. Did he ever take them off?
"It's in the corner" I say seeing that he was scanning my room for my suitcase, I  glare at the bag like it was poisen hoping it would explode into flames.
"You know it will be okay, nothing is going to happen" he says and sits next to me.
"Yeah well I still hate going" I mumble knowing my fear was not needed.
"I do have something to tell you about the trip though" he started, I waited for him to continue.
"I have a little work to do there, so Noah is coming along and will  do it for me whilst you and I go see the social worker" he said and I nodded. What could I say?
"Use your voice" he says clearly not accepting a nod.
"That's fine" I shrug. It was already going to be hell, why not add Noah to the mix.

"Great, get some sleep, we leave early tommorow" he then left without even a goodnight.

He thought I could sleep.
I struggled to sleep as it is, nevermind the events of tommorow plagueing my mind.


I wasn't thrilled about going to Florida and I certainly wasn't happy about a meeting that needed my attention on the same weekend. I had told Noah that I needed him to attend for me and suprisingly he agreed, he's always trying to get out of it.

After speaking to Riley I called a meeting in the upper office, just in case Riley was to wander around. She wasn't allowed on this floor so she wouldn't hear regardless of how loud we were.

My brothers entered the office only minutes after I took a seat and began looking through a file.
"I was gaming, this better be important" Lucas whined
"And I was in the middle of reading" Noah added.
"And here I thought you both had nothing better to do then serve me" I joke making both my brothers give me a 'youre insane' look.
"We aren't your slaves" Lucas scoffed.
"Oh come now boys, I pay you don't I" I say continuing the joke. "You don't pay us, you let us use your money"  Noah stated like it was the most obvious thing. "See you're not slaves. Anyway down to business. Lucas you will be in charge whilst me and Noah are in Florida. No parties, no getting high, no getting drunk" I tell him and pause waiting for him to agree. "Anything else" he asks and I nod "try not to kill our guest" a smirk appears on his face when I mention that and Noah's bored expression changed to curious "we have a guest" he asks and I nod "just someone who pissed us off" I vaguely anwser knowing Riley didn't want him to know. I understood why and I respected her decision.
"Noah since you are coming with, I want you to report everything back to me at the end of the day. You won't be joining Riley and I with the social worker or when we go to her old home. I don't want any snarky comments. This weekend isn't going to be the best for Riley and she won't be herself,  so this weekend, if Riley decides she wants something, we get it her. She is struggling, and I want her to know we are there for her" I tell him and he nods "what the princess wants, she gets" he muttered in a snarky tone. "Drop the tone" I warn and walk out of the room before they can say anything to me.

This weekend is going to be hell for her and we all needed to support her. I don't get what the issue is?
I had plans of my own on this trip, whilst Riley was saying goodbye to her friends, I would be paying a visit to the prison. I wanted Kevin to know that I will get him, even in prison he isn't safe. One word from me and his life ends, he wil be wishing he never took that first breathe as a baby.

I was going to end his sick, miserable life. He had a death sentence now and only I knew when it would be carried out.

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