chapter 80

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Can't believe we are at chapter 80...hope to get to at least 100. But yeah if you have stuck with this book so far whyyyyy 😂. My writing really is terrible at times but thank you for putting up with it. I appreciate you all for taking the time to read this.
Now back the story

"And where the fuck have you been"

Riley gulped, she really didn't expect Sebastian to be up.

"Sebbbbbbyy you are hereeeee" she exclaimed.

"Don't call me that" Sebastian said not liking it at all.

"Whyyyy Sebby, Sebbbbbyyyy" Riley replied.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, he hated it so much. He walked straight up to her and looked her up and down. She was drunk.

"Are you drunk Riley" he asked

"Nopeeee Sebbyyyyy"

Sebastian was unsure how to proceed, he was even more angry that she was drunk. He decided to take the approach he did with Lucas.
Small lecture now and then he will deal with her proper when she's sober.

"Did you know you were drinking" he asked not wanting to get angry at her if she had been spiked.


"Riley, are you telling me you willingly drank alcohol each time" he asked adding each time just in case she accepted one drink but not the rest.

"Yes Sebbyyyy I kneewwww what I was drinkinggggg"

"Very well. Tonight you have been unbelievably stupid. We had no idea where you were, anything could have happened. You are 15, you don't need to get drunk, you shouldn't be drinking at all. Maybe I could forgive one drink if you were allowed to go to this party but you weren't allowed. I said no when you asked to go out and yet you did anyway and got drunk in the process"

Sebastian had chosen a more calmer approach, at least for now.

"Go upstairs and get ready for bed, I'll be up in 15 minutes to check on you" Sebastian had, had enough. It was late, she needed to go to bed.

"Ok Sebbbyyyy"

"Riley I told you not to call me that, it's Sebastian nothing else. Now get out of my sight" Sebastian snapped.

He really did hate that name.

Sebastians anger got the best of him when she left and he ended up throwing the nearest object at the wall.

For the first time, he didn't have memories of his father or more specifically what his father did to him. He was to angry for that.

It had been 20 minutes and he decided to go check on Riley. He knocked not wanting to go straight in but when she didn't answer he worried slightly so he opened the door.

She was sat on the bathroom floor and she looked dreadful. "See this is why you don't drink" Sebastian commented as he made his way in.

"Why not. It's fun"

Sebastian thought she might regret her decision but it seems she didn't and he knew he needed to put a stop to it before she ened up like Lucas.

"Yeah so much fun" Sebastian muttered sarcastically. He said nothing else to her after that, instead he chose to silently help her.

The next morning.

Sebastian had little sleep so he was even more grumpy.
"So how bad was it" Noah asked Sebastian as he poured them both a coffee.

"She got drunk" Sebastian stated.

You might think he would have had plenty of time to calm down but he actually just had more time to build up anger.

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