chapter 35

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3rd person

Sebastian walked in the kitchen just as his siblings were plating up the food, well Noah was as he didn't want Riley getting hurt. Riley had asked if she could help but Noah declined, he wasn't fond of the fact he was becoming like Sebastian.

"Let me help" Sebastian said, he felt useless right now so he finished plating the food and Sebastian and Noah both grabbed two plates before they all headed to the dining room, of course Riley wanted to carry her own but Sebastian had reassured her it was no trouble.

Noah or Riley had yet to notice the bruises that were forming on Sebastian, he bad kept his head down throughout.
But when Lucas walked in, Sebastian couldn't help but look up, earning a gasp from Riley. "What happened" Riley asked rushing to his side. Noah looked at Sebastian with concern, he knew what happened, it was obvious. Lucas and Sebastian alone in the office, Sebastian comes out with bruises. Just the fact Sebastian was the bruised one meant he didn't fight back. Noah was pissed at Lucas and he sent him a quick glare.

Sebastian was trying to reassure Riley that he was ok but he knew he was lying. He had been an awful brother to them, all he wanted to do was protect his brothers and even his sister.

He thought he was doing right by her not tracking her down, she didn't belong in this world.
He thought locking his brothers in a room just before his father's outbursts was the right thing to do.
He thought taking their beatings was protecting them.

Maybe he was? But right now all he felt was failure, he was the worst brother ever. At least that's how he viewed himself.

"Sebastian what happened" Riley asked bringing him back out of his dark thoughts.
"I'm okay, it's honestly not that bad" Sebastian again reassured Riley. Riley however couldn't help roll her eyes, it looked more than bad and she knew from experience it would look even worse in a few hours and awful by tommorow. She wasn't stupid either, Noah had been with her the whole time which meant Lucas was the only other person it could have been, plus they had just had a meeting together.

She slowly went back to her seat, her mind filled with thoughts.
The main one being the worst.

If Lucas did this to Sebastian, then what would he do to her.

This was a concerning thought as she knew no one messed with Sebastian, even Noah and Lucas didn't mess with him.

Sebastian must be angry
Will he take it out on me

She couldn't go there, her thoughts were getting worse.

"Riley let's talk after dinner" Sebastian said noticing the fear mixed with worry that had appeared on her face.
Riley gulped, she thought she was in trouble and Sebastian being observant noticed. "Nothing bad, I'm not going to shout or hurt you" he whispered so only she could hear.

Noah was watching their interaction but even he was pissed, family stick together not hurt each other, at least without motive. The motive being during training. He was definitely going to have words with Lucas.

Lucas was eating his food but still had a glare on his face. He was still coming down from being high. He was pissed at them all including Riley. Of course he loved his brothers and sister but right now he was in a different state of mind.
If it wasn't for Brian and Riley then none of this wouldn't have happened. His glare harderned at this thought.

"I suggest you stop the glaring" Noah warned which pissed Lucas off.  He didn't even know about Sparks, he didn't understand.
"I don't see why the fuck you are giving me grief when it's Riley who is hanging around some fuck boy, and yeah Riley he's hanging out with you because he wants to fuck you" Lucas spat.

Sebastian and Noah looked like they were going to murder Lucas. Riley was on the verge of tears. "No he's a friend, he wouldn't do that" Riley replied. "Oh sure he wouldn't. Just like the coach didn't rape you"

And that was it.
Sebastian was done.
Noah was in shock. Did Lucas just say rape?
Noah was angry, feeling more angry then he ever had before but one look at Riley and his only thought was to protect her and comfort her, she was a mess, tears running down her face. He got up and walked to her, he didn't say anything, he just lifted her shaking form up and held her tightly, hugging her and comforting her.

Sebastian was furious. How dare Lucas. He looked at Riley and was about to comfort her when he saw Noah had gotten up to do that. He watched as he held her and comforted her.

Sebastian didn't even hesitate, he had punched Lucas without any thought after he saw Riley was being comforted. He felt just like their father but he wasnt about to calm down.
Lucas punched Lucas him back which angered Sebastian further.
"Take her out" Sebastian ordered as he rolled up his sleeves.

"It's okay, you're okay." Noah whispered as he held Riley close to him, thru were in Noah's room as he had carried her upstairs, it had been concerning how light she was but before he could take her too her room he had decided to take a detour to his room to grab one of his favourite blankets. But Riley had made herself comfortable and now she sat wrapped in a blanket holding on to Noah as if her life depended on it.

An hour or so passed and Noah's door opened, Sebastian walked in looking alot calmer. He took one look at them and his heart melted. Riley was adorable. He noticed she had drifted off to sleep so he thought it would be fine to talk.
"We will talk more about him when she's not here" he told Noah who nodded. Neither of them wanted to talk about Sparks when Riley was there. "Is Blake really a fuck boy" Noah asked not liking the fact she was hanging found someone like that however he knew Lucas's words  were probably not true, he just had to make sure and he knew Sebastian would have done background checks on everyone at that school. "Doubtful, he's just your typical high school bad boy but it seems he has taken a liking to Riley and Riley to him. If he hurts her then I will put an end to their relationship even if they are just friends but for now he seems decent enough" Sebastian explained and Noah sighed with relief. "And Lucas" he asked. Sebastians calm demeanor vanished. "Boarding school or rehab I haven't decided yet" Noah shuddered he knew by boarding school it would be a very strict one.
"He definitely needs help but I don't think boarding school will help with his addiction" Noah contemplated. Sebastian nodded "rehab is the obvious choice and I don't want to send him away but what choice do I have. He's on the verge of being kicked out of school, I have a meeting next week with the head teacher who will probably be telling me he's excluded. He needs to finish senior year, even if it's in some strict no bullshit school" Sebastian explained and Noah nodded. He completely understood.

Any other school and Lucas would find a way to get drugs but if he went to a strict boarding school he wouldn't have access. But yet both brothers knew rehab would be better and both Sebastian and Noah were hoping he wasn't about to be kicked out. "We can look into it tommorow" Sebastian finally said looking down at Riley who had started to wake up.


He shuddered at the memories but smiled none the less.
"I'm here" he spoke and without saying anything, Riley let go of Noah and pretty much climbed onto Sebastian and held him for comfort.
She was about to fall about to fall asleep but Sebastian gently nudged her "don't sleep, let's get you to bed first" he didn't want her sleeping in her clothes and so he picked her up and carried her to her room.

Noah finally knows!
Okay so I know Riley seemed quite childish at the end ect but she is just seeking comfort from them. Also the comments on the previous chapter about all of them knowing everything. It will happen in time but for drama it's not going to happen for a bit.

Also what does everyone think should happen to Lucas, rehab or boarding school?

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