chapter 83

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It had been several days now since they had been gone and Riley wasn't handling it well.

Sebastian had told her he was dissapointed and then left and the mention of a social worker had her on edge.
Lucas was trying to cheer her up, he didn't want to disturb his brothers and they hadn't called back since the first night.

He knew Riley was suppose to be grounded but he also knew her well being was more important so he had tried to get her to go out with friends but she didn't want to, so he opted to take her out with him, it was hard to see her like this.

"Riley please open up to me, what's going on" Lucas asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Is Sebastian sending me away" she finally asked the question that was tearing her up.

"No. Why would you think that"

"When they left they were talking about a social worker"

Lucas nodded, he didn't hesitate, he may not have wanted to disturb his brothers but this was too important not too. He opted for calling Noah, even though it was Sebastian he should be calling, he knew if Sebastian was still in the shitty mood he had been in, he would be no help.

"Nothing I say will convince you so I'm calling Noah"

Noah picked up after a few minutes.
"Is it important Lucas, now isn't the best time... Sebastian don't kill him yet, I still haven't had a turn"

Lucas shuddered, it really wasn't the best time for them.

Whilst Lucas had been trying to cheer Riley up, Sebastian and Noah had been torturing Kevin's friend's.

"Yes it's important, I need you to speak to Riley"

Noah's concern grew hearing Riley's name.
"Okay...I'm just going to step out, don't want any background noise. What's going on anyway" Noah said as he began walking out of the warehouse.

"She just asked If Sebastian was sending her away. You mentioned a social worker before you left that day" Lucas gave a brief summary.

"Fuck. Sebastian really should be the one talking in that case but I fear he's a little to far gone at this current moment. I'm outside now, hand the phone to her"

Lucas knew how Sebastian could get so he chose not to comment on it, instead he handed the phone to Riley.

"Hey Riley how are you" Noah asked.
"I'm sorry, Lucas shouldn't have called, you're probably busy" Riley didn't like the ide if disturbing them.

"Nonsense. I've always got time for you. Now about this whole social worker situation" Noah reassured her.

"It doesn't matter" Riley quietly said.

"Of course it does, Riley I asked about the chances of you getting a new social worker since your old one is no longer your social worker. And as you know you have only been with us a few months so i was just wondering. When I asked Sebastian was adement that he wasn't letting you have one. I know he's been tough on you lately but Riley, he does love you and he would rather die before letting someone take you" Noah explained.


Noah could tell even over the phone that she was unsure whether to believe him.

"Besides if it was that easy to get rid of family, we would have sent Lucas off years ago" Noah joked.

He didn't know if it was taken well but Riley did smile at his attempt.

"Get off your fucking phone and come help me"

Riley shuddered as she heard Sebastian in the background. He sounded angry.

"Hey I'll speak to you later, I really should go help him before he decides I'm in his next target"

"When will you be back"

Noah sighed, they had already been there longer than he thought due to a few complications and Sebastians own agenda.

"I don't know Riley but hey how about tonight we have a family video call. I'll talk to Sebastian, he might not join us but it would be good to see you both even if it's over the phone"


"Great, just put Lucas back on for me"

Riley handed Lucas the phone who had been silently watching.

"Did it help, did she believe me" Noah asked.

"Yeah I think so, it should have come from Sebastian though"

"He's getting worse, he's reverting back to his old self. I just don't think Riley should be around him"

"Maybe that will change when you come back"

Lucas was being very careful with his words as Riley was still in the room and he didn't want her hearing what they were really doing.

"Hopefully. He would never hurt her physically but I fear this won't be good for her emotionally. I really do have to go now but if anything call me back. I've spoken to Riley about a family video call tonight so I will call you later but don't hesitate to contact me sooner"

"Okay we will talk later, stay safe" Lucas said and ended the call.

"Right so how about we go get snacks and have a movie night then when we speak to Noah later he will be jealous of all our snacks"

"Isn't he a health freak though, I don't think he would be jealous"

Lucas smiled, whatever Noah had said was starting to work.
"That's true but it's more about, he's stuck working whilst we are having a cosy movie night without them"

"Okay let's go"

"Great, we can have a movie marathon, so we need lots of snacks. Although you are right about him being a health freak, so we will have a healthy dinner"


"What did he want" Sebastian asked as Noah returned.
"Do you even care" Noah asked.

"Not really, whatever it was could have waited, we are in the middle of something, phone calls can wait"

"As you wish"

The brothers then continued to get information out of the men they had taken.

It had been a few hours since the call and since then Lucas and Riley had gone to the shop, they had picked up chicken, salad and wraps for dinner and plenty of snacks.

They only ended up eating and he chicken and salad though as Lucas had burnt the tortilla wraps when he tried to cook them once they had been filled. So it resulted in a lot of smoke and the tortillas being thrown in the bin. He had cursed the wraps as he had to throw some of the chicken and salad away too. After that he gave up and just made them chicken salad.

Once they had dinner they had brought tons of blankets to the living room to get comfy.

It was definitely a big difference from Sebastian and Noah who had killed a few people and disposed of the bodies they had then gone back to the hotel and showered to get rid of the blood.

They had ordered from room service and they both ate seperately, Sebastian had gone off to his room.

Not wanting to leave him out, noah went and found him. "Hey Sebastian, I'm going to call Lucas and Riley, we are having a family video call, want to join"

"No, I'm fine"

"Okay, I'll be in the living room area if you change your mind"

"I won't. I don't have time for such meaningless things"

"Family isn't meaningless" Noah told him

"It's a problem" Sebastian muttered.

Noah heard but chose not to comment, he knew if he tried to talk about it Sebastian wouldn't listen so instead he left.

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