chapter 48

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Noah eventually found Riley outside, she was sat on one of the sofas, tears streamed down her face as she thought about what had just happened.
Noah silently cursed himself as he saw the tears. He hated seeing her like this.
He silently made his way over and sat next to her. "I don't want you getting a cold how about we go in" he asked, he was concerned that her health would suffer if they stayed out longer.

"I'm sorry sir" Riley whispered. Noah froze, he hated that word but he chose not to  comment as he saw correcting her might cause her to panic.
"You have nothing to apologize for. I however do" Noah said. Riley looked at him, tears still falling, she couldn't help lower her head when they made eye contact. "First I'd like to say Lucas isn't drunk, he's fully sober, however I'm not going to lie  Sebastian is a little drunk but he's not a horrible drunk, he's kinda a big softie when drunk" Noah tried to explain. "I ran away though,  why am I not in trouble" she asked not understanding why Noah was being calm.
Her thoughts were all over the place, thinking the worst.
Maybe he was luring her in to a false sense of safety and then he would show his true nature.
"You were scared Riley, running away is a normal reaction. It is late though so I am going to need you to come in" Noah replied.
Riley was reluctant, she kept reminding herself that her brothers weren't Kevin but even she couldn't deny some similarities between them.
She had seen glimpses of Sebastian's dark side and the idea that she could one day be the one his anger was directed at scared her.
Noah was strict and still was occasionally but those weeks that he had become too strict scared her.
And Lucas was mean to her quite a lot.

She was cold though and going inside would provide heat but she couldn't help think what if.

So many what is, each darker than the last. Noah sat patiently, he wanted her to come in on her own but she begun shivering and he didn't want her out any longer.
"Riley please lets go in" he tried and stood up, he held out his hand for her and thankfully she took it only he didn't realize that the only reason she took it was because she didn't want to disobey him.

As Noah led her in, she expected him to start shouting but when he didn't it confused her.
Instead he led her upstairs and into her room.

"Sebastian would never hurt you, drunk or sober he would rather hurt himself then see you hurt" Noah reassured her.
"That goes for me and Lucas too. I know none of us have been perfect but none of us ever mean to hurt you. I know I'm strict about stuff like the time I was pissed because Sebastian wasn't treating you like Lucas and I apologize. I would tell you it's because I want the best for you and Lucas and both of you need to be treated the same but it's not true" Noah explained.

He sighed, he didn't really want to admit his reasons, sure one of them was because he didn't want Riley thinking she could do whatever she wanted, he knew she didn't think that now but he worried in time she would. And of course he didn't want her grades to slip. And then there was the fact he wanted what was best for Lucas too and he didn't see that it was fair having Riley exempted from basic rules like eavesdropping ect.
But there was another reason. A reason that was just as important.

"What's the truth" Riley asked, she was still on edge but she had calmed down significantly and had gotten into bed.

"Well the main reasons are that I don't want you to become spoilt in the future. I know you aren't now but if Sebastian gave you everything you wanted you might in the future, I want you to be strong and independent and of course I don't want your grades slipping and I don't think it would be fair to Lucas if we let you do stuff which he's not allowed to do.
Yes I know certain things are different because you are two different people and you have been through quite a bit. Suprisingly Sebastian is a reason too"

Riley considered his words and  accepted it. She didnt think she would ever be  spoilt but having Sebastian give her everything she wanted and let her do everything would definitely be an example of being spoilt. She understood where Noah was coming from with treating both herself and Lucas the same too. The only thing she didn't get was the Sebastian part.

"Why Sebastian"

"He was strict on us growing up, do this, do that. Our father isn't around any more but that doesn't change the fact one of us has to be more strict.
Lucas has a little resentment that Sebastian was so strict growing up. You see Sebastian gave the rules, told us off when we broke them, of course I have no doubt he cared but he has never been good at expressing emotions. I was the caring one growing up and I personally feel it's a good balance having a mixture of both. I don't want you having any sort of dislike to Sebastian when you're older so instead of Sebastian making you follow the rules, I do it. I want to give Sebastian the chance to express his emotions. He didn't have the chance with us but he does with you. And if I can prevent him being strict by doing it myself then I will"

Riley was amazed by the end of Noah's explaination. The love Noah had for Sebastian was heart warming.  She could never hate any of her brothers but Noah was willing to accept any hate rather than Sebastian.

"Noah I could never hate any of you" Riley whispered.

Noah sighed with relief. He didn't want her to be cold and distant like Lucas was with Sebastian but he rather it be with himself than have her cold and distant with Sebastian.

Okay I'm not too happy about how I started this chapter as I didn't really explore the effects it had on Riley but I kind of plan on doing it in the coming chapters, but the ending is just 😍😍

Noah is just...😍🥰😍

More aesthetic boards soon.

Also I'm still undecided about the dad being alive....if he's alive though he will be making an appearance in several chapters time hopefully

Lucas and Riley will also hopefully bond soon. He's sorta done being a jerk for now...

And I haven't forgotten about the social worker coming to visit so she will in a few well as Lucas having a meeting with the school.

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter, let me know what you think

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