chapter 74

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Riley had left Lucas to get ready for the day and so she went downstairs to the kitchen.
Both Noah and Sebastian were talking, the thought of listening in crossed her mind but she knew it was wrong and Noah wasn't a fan of that.
She walked in and the conversation stopped "what did you hear" Noah asked being suspicious. "Nothing just mumbling, I really should have to stayed and listened" she replied sitting down.
Noah rolled his eyes "we are good" he told Sebastian who nodded.

Riley took a seat, no one really had a certain seat but Riley would always sit next to Sebastian at breakfast. Sebastian placed a glass of orange juice next to her and then a coffee in an empty place for when Lucas came down.
"So Sebastian, that conversation"
"Nope. It's breakfast time, we are eating breakfast" Sebastian wasn't going to let her start the conversation because he knew he would end up telling her.
"I won't tell Lucas" she tried.
"Oh please, we all know that you will go running to him when you find out" Sebastian said as he plated up the breakfast for himself, his brothers and sister.
"Now eat your breakfast" Sebastian added as he placed a plate in front of her.
"But" Riley tried.
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day kid" Noah said trying to remain serious but he was having a hard time, he found Riley's and Sebastians interactions amusing.
"Yeah Riley, don't argue with mum and dad, we don't want them to change their minds" Lucas said walking in.
Riley snickered at what he had just said but Noah and Sebastian looked between themselves. They were not parents.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, he had been all his siblings guardians, even Noah at one point. It didn't mean he was a parent.

"You kids seem awfully confident today" Noah stated.
"Is that a bad thing" Riley asked not wanting to overstep.
"Not at all, you can do whatever makes you happy" Sebastian reassured her as he sat down next to her.

The four of them started breakfast, none of them were big talkers whilst eating so it was a comfortable silence. Lucas watched Sebastian and Riley, looking at them side by side, she looked even more like a mini version of Sebastian, the amount of time she spent with him though it was no suprise she would pick things up.
"So Noah where are we going" Lucas asked.
Noah wasn't as easy to convince, after all this was his idea, Sebastian wasn't good at coming up with places as he was new to doing stuff with his family so Noah had taken over and Sebastian had approved and made a few changes.
"Don't even bother asking" Noah stated shutting him down straight away 
"But we have waited so long you might as well just tell us" Lucas tried.
"Hmm. No"  Noah wasn't budging
"Sebastiannnn, I always did prefer you, my favourite brother no my favourite sibling" Lucas tried and Sebastian just shook his head, he knew for certain, Noah was the favourite, he had never really been close with Lucas.
"Too bad your not his favourite" Noah muttered.
"And Noah is your favourite anyway" Sebastian added.

It was hard not to play favourites but at the end of the day, they were siblings, they weren't parent and children so favourites were always going to occur.

"Good" Riley mumbled which caught Sebastian's attention.
"How come" he asked quietly.
"If Lucas decides you are his favourite, you could decide you prefer him" she whispered so only he could hear.
"Absolutely not. Would never happen, no one can replace my sunshine" he reassured her so only they could hear.
Riley smiled knowing this, it was reassuring. "How about we just tell them" Sebastian suggested.
"I suppose they have waited long enough" Noah smirked, they had decided before Riley and Lucas came down that they would mess with them first.
"We are going to be doing lots of walking today" Sebastian said.
"So a family walk" Lucas said realising he had suggested that.
"You could say that" Noah was trying his hardest not to laugh.
"We might even split up at certain points though" Sebastian added.
"Wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose" Lucas asked.
"Not necessarily but there is lots of different paths so you might decide you don't want to do one walk" Noah said, neither of them wanted to give it away.
"Ok but I'm splitting of with Sebastian" Riley said, accepting the cryptic anwser.

Sebastian couldn't help but smile, no one ever wanted to choose him, he wasn't the fun one so Riley wanting him over their brothers was something he was pleased about. He wasn't convinced though that she would stick with him after all Lucas and Noah probably were better for this than he was.

"You can't just do that" Lucas said faining hurt.

"Oh sorry, it's just it's Sebastian, you can have him" Riley didn't see that Lucas was joking and she didn't want to upset him.
"I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry Riley" Lucas tried.

"Lucas was just messing with you Riley" Sebastian reassured her, he was worried about  her behaviour but he knew this wouldn't be an over night process.

And with Sebastian's reassurance, Riley was okay again, she trusted Sebastian and if he said he was messing then he was.
"Anyway Sebastian and I have already decided on how it will work. Since it is a family day, Sebastian and Riley you won't always be together, sometimes it will be Sebastian and Lucas or Riley and Lucas or Riley and me" Noah decided.
Riley looked at Sebastian who looked displeased. He wanted Riley with him, but of course it was meant to be a family day so he couldn't.

After breakfast, Sebastian sent Riley and Lucas off to put their jackets and shoes on.
Noah and Sebastian then cleaned up.
"I'm worried about Riley" Sebastian confessed.
"Yeah me too, she is getting jumpy more often" Noah had also noticed.
"Is today really such a good idea" Sebastian questioned.
"Probably not but I think we all need it. Especially you Sebastian, you need to know how to have fun, you deserve it And we can stay away from anything Riley isn't a fan off. She is quite small though so it won't be too hard" Noah said.
"Yes I suppose your right,  and of course if Lucas wants to, you can take him where Riley doesn't want to go. We need to be there for him just as much" Sebastian added

I'm really starting to drag these chapters out now so I apologize for that.
Any thoughts on where they are going, it won't be a walk but only walking involved.

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