chapter 4

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This was unfamiliar to me. First I got a actual bedroom with a bed and now I was sat in the dining room, my plate filled with different foods. I was slowly trying to eat it as i knew wasting food wasn't allowed and I had decided that I wanted to go to bed unharmed for the first time in 7 years.

"Is our food not good enough for you or something" Lucas snapped and I gulped. There goes my plan. "Y..yes sir it's good. I'm sorry" I quickly reply hoping he doesn't get angry. Sebastian and Noah also stopped their conversation and looked at me. "She's had a long day Lucas, leave her be" Noah said and Lucas rolled his eyes. "Fine I'll leave the princess be" he said using the term princess sarcastically. "Do you not like the food Riley"  Sebastian asked ignoring Noah and Lucas as they argued. "I just have a small appetite and I'm not used to eating such fancy food sir" I whisper hoping he will understand. It wasn't a lie either.  "Ok, if you're full you can leave, I need to sort these two Muppets out but then I'll come up so we can talk" he said putting enthasis on the word 'talk' he was probably going to punish me now. I quickly left not wanting to cry in front of them but as soon as I got to my room I burst out crying. I just wanted to feel safe, to feel loved but the only person who ever made me feel that was dead.

I was pissed but I wouldn't show it in front of Riley. She was not the reason for my anger and I wasn't about to take it out on her. As soon as she left I stood up "how dare you talk to your sister like that" I snap. I was fed up with Lucas'attitude and I wasn't about to let it continue. "Well she's a spoilt brat, she needs to know she can't get everything she wants in life. Or do you plan on spoiling her and giving her everything she asks for" I was taken back by Lucas's outburst. He had never spoken to me like that before.
I wasn't going to spoil her, I have always believed kids who get spoilt end up relying on their parents or guardians to support them in life rather than make something of themselves not only that they will think they are better than others and I would not turn my sister like that.
"I suggest you shut the fuck up before I shut you up" I warn but Lucas being the little shit he is gets up and tries to walk out but I stop him.
I wasn't about to let him disrespect me like that.
"100 laps now" I order.
"I've just eaten"   he tries to protest but I was not having it.
"Then you can do them through pain. You should have thought about the consequences before you insulted Riley, snapped at me and tried to walk out"  he looked annoyed but did as he was told.
The laps were not to big, 1 lap was maybe 0.3 miles around the track in the gym we had. "100 might be too much" Noah suggested but I sent him a glare. I was in no mood to be questioned. "Carry on and you will join him" I said leaving him quiet.

I decided to calm down a little before going to Riley's room and so I took my anger out on a punch bag in the corner of my bedroom. It was always good to have something to let anger out on and mine was the punch bag that probably needed replacing again in my room.

I decided that it was time to talk with Riley before she fell asleep.
I knock before entering and I hear a small come in which I did. I looked at her and saw her red eyes, had she been crying.
"Hey don't cry, I'm not here to tell you off" I say trying my best to use a soft voice. I let my mask fall and decided to show emotion. It was the least I could do. "I'm sorry sir" she whispers. God I hate how she calls me sir but I figured she wasn't comfortable calling me Sebastian just yet so I wasn't going to make her call me by my name. "It's ok, Lucas is just a little bitch. If he ever gives you trouble come tell me ok" I say and she nods. "I know this is probably a big change for you so I will let you settle in before I give you consequences to any rules you break ok" I say trying to get this done as wuick as possible.
"Ok I promise I'll try not to break them" she says and I offer her a small and I mean miniscule smile "I know you will try" I reassure and then continue.

"I think they are fair rules nothing to hard so I do expect them to be kept
Rule 1: no disrespecting me or your brothers. You respect us and we will respect you.
Rule 2: Don't lie to me or Noah
Rule 3: Homework and chores must be completed before going out. Lucas also has this rule do you're not alone. Chores might include taking the bins out, washing the dishes,  making sure your room is kept clean.
Rule 4: no drugs or alcohol. Yes this may seem a little unfair as Lucas does them both but you are only 15 definitely not old enough yet.
Rule 5:  You must ask if you want to go somewhere, this is also a rule given to Lucas. This rule is only in place so we know where you are, the only time we will say no to you going out with your friends is if we have plans.
This isn't a rule but I would appreciate you coming to me or Noah if anything is bothering you. The consequences will vary depending on the rule. Some of them include doing laps around the track, grounding and being supervised from the moment you wake up to the moment you sleep"

By the time I was done I couldn't help but think thank god that's over. I had explained the rules a little do she doesn't think I'm being to unfair.

"I think I can follow those sir" she said looking relieved.
"Great, now that we have had that conversation how about we get to know each other" I offer and she looks hesitant but nods.
Noah had mentioned she liked to read and so I ordered a few new books for her, even though we had a library I got the feeling she wouldn't dare to go on there. He had also mentioned her reluctancy to talk about herself which worried me slightly.
"I'll ask and in return you can ask" I say and she nods.
"Favourite colour" I ask starting of simple.
"Black or purple, they are both nice, how old are you"
"25, how did you like Florida" I know it may seem like random question but I could easily establish a bit of personality by her anwser.
"It was ok, much hotter than New York but quiet which was so much better"
"Have you always lived in New York"
"Yes, favourite subject in school"
"English, what was yours"
"I enjoyed English too"  It was the truth, I always enjoyed it because it provided me with an escape from the cruel world.
We continued the questions, nothing deep and I could see how she was trying to open up. It was her turn to ask and I could see she was thinking so I waited patiently.

"Are you ok" she asks confusing me.
"What" I ask.
"That's my question, are you ok, you seem a little sad and closed off but angry"  she explains.
No one ever saw that. They all saw the monster I was.
"Yeah I am just been a bit of day" I tell her.  The truth would only upset her. I have been protecting Noah and Lucas all my life and now Riley was back with us, I would protect her too. Maybe more as our father didn't get his claws into her. She hadn't be corrupt.

Thank you mother for protecting her.

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