chapter 23

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Yesterday was a disaster. How dare that woman even suggest taking Riley from me...I mean us.

She belonged with her family not some scummy foster family or a group home. She was staying even if I had to get rid of that bitch myself.

I lost it when Riley left, I had been holding back for her sake, I even sent Noah away because I knew he didn't have as much restraint as me.

One thing was certain my sister wasn't going anywhere with that bitch.

When she finally left i had gone to find Riley but when I saw she wasn't in her room I panicked. I was about to call Noah but as I scrolled through my phone I saw he had messaged.

Took Riles out, we both could hear you

Well fuck. Riley now knows that I'm a monster, she will probably fear me.

It turns out my worrying was for nothing because when Noah brought her back she hugged me and asked if I was okay. Although she did seem hesitant but I ignored that.

Today was going to be awful. I already knew it when I woke up. We were going to Riley's old home.

Noah was going to do the meeting he missed yesterday and then after whilst Riley is busy with her friends I would be paying Kevin a visit.

Noah walked into the kitchen with a box of pastries as I poured coffee.
"Is she up yet" Noah asked as he set the box down.
"Yeah I'm up" we both turned and Noah gasped in horror whereas I took the less dramatic approach and poured her some coffee.
"What" she asked Noah and he shook his head. "You look tired" he stated and she sent him a little glare which made me smirk. Although Noah was right, tired wasn't the word I'd use, exhausted was more fitting.
She gladly took the coffee and we all had breakfast in a comfortable silence.

Time skip

We arrived and I saw her hands shake as we walked up the steps, we had collected the keys from the land lord who had said that he hadn't been in yet since he doesn't want to misplace anything that she might want to keep. I take her hand and squeeze it gently in reassurance. "I'm not leaving" I tell her and she nods. Tears filled her eyes as I unlocked the door.

It was not what I expected, maybe I expected it to be run down alot more messy but it wasn't the worst, at least at a first glance. A closer look and it's obvious that this was no a good place to grow up in.
"I guess it's a good job I cleaned up before I left" she mumbles, I don't respond as I know I was not meant to hear that.
"There isn't really anything I want. Maybe we can see give it a little once over" she says obviously not knowing what to do. I took the decision to take the lead. "How about you show me your room" I suggest, I wanted to know how badly he treated her and her room was a good place to start after all she only came with a few things so most of her stuff would be still in her room but I honestly didn't have much confidence that she had any other stuff.
"No" she stated suddenly, not wanting to push her into something that she doesn't want, I drop the topic.


I was nervous, scared, overwhelmed and I'd rather be anywhere but here. I was grateful for Sebastian being here, I don't think I could have done this with anyone else. Even though my hand stopped shaking, he never let go of my hand which I appreciated. He wanted to see my room but I couldn't let him,  he would go ballistic and I felt ashamed of that room.
"A once over, in case you see something you want to keep then" Sebastian said agreeing with what I previously said.

We entered the living room first and the smell had faded but it was still there, the smell of drugs always filled the house. I glance at Sebastian and he had a look of disgust.
He probably doesn't want me anymore.

"You want to stop" he asks and as much as I wanted to I knew I had to do this. It was sort of closure after all.
"It's okay, we can continue"

And so we did, Sebastian didn't take his eyes off me once and I some how found comfort in this.
"I'll get you a glass of water" he mumbled after a bit. "I'm not thirsty" I tell him. "I know but Riley I don't want you getting sick, and it's been a few hours since you have had a drink" I knew there was no changing his mind so I let him go.


It was lunch time and I knew there was no food here but the least I could do was make sure Riley stayed hydrated so I reluctantly left and went and got her a drink.

As I headed back a old rusty door caught my attention, it had scrapes and dents in. I wonder what he kept down there.
"I've done in that room" Riley came up to me. She saw the door and froze. I looked between her and the door and realization hit me. The glass of water hit the ground causing the glass to shatter.
"What's in here" I ask ignoring the glass.
"Nothing" she whispers.
I promised myself I wouldn't push her that we would do everything at her pace but I had to make an exception. I knew he abused her, was this the room she was abused in? I had to know.
I expected it to be locked but as I tried the handle it going open. "Please Sebastian don't go down there" she started to cry and I hesitated. But this was Riley, I had to know. "I'm sorry" I tell her and walk down the steps which created. I couldn't find a light so I used my phone and saw a switch. The room lit up, well it was still dim but I could see where I was going and the room itself.

I felt sick to my stomach as I looked around. Blood stained the walls, floor and even the ceiling. I look over to the corner and feel even worse. A dirty old blanket with rips in laid in the corner, there was chains attached to a metal fence and a cart filled with knives and other torture devices. A dried pool of blood stained that area.

I knew this would be found by the land lord but I knew taking pictures now would be best in case things went south. This was proof she was abused. So I quickly took the pictures and left.

Riley was waiting for me when I came back up.
I didn't say anything, I just pulled her into a hug.
"I'm sorry Sebastian, you shouldn't have had to see that" she whispered.
I could kill the son of a bitch right now but I had restrained. I would mess with him first. I hated to think how many times he had her locked up in that awful torture room.
"It's ok, you won't ever have to see that kind of room again" I tell her.
"Yeah my bedroom at yours is like 1000x better"
I'm sorry what.
"That's your room" I ask hoping she will deny it but she nods.
"Oh baby" I don't want her in this house any longer. I don't even think about it, I just pick her up and carry her out. I made sure to hold her close. I didn't want to let her go anytime soon.
I thought it had been some sort of torture room but it was her bedroom. She didn't even have a bed, or a matress, just a blanket.

"Let's get you back to the hotel" I say not wanting to leave her alone for even a minute. I would have my men sort the rest, I didn't care if this was closure for her, I wasn't allowing her to be in that house any longer.

We entered the room and Noah was sat watching the news. "How did it go" he asked.
Im planning a gruesome murder

"Riley needs lunch" I say ignoring his question and leading her to the kitchen.
"So what happened" he followed us in.
"Riley do you want him to know. I will probably have to tell him eventually" I say and she shakes her head. "Why can't I know, it's not like I don't know Kevin abused her" he countered which made me snap.
"Noah go talk to the pilot. We are flying back in a few hours, I need to go to a quick meeting"

I hated leaving her but this was my one chance to fuck with Kevin.

He wasn't getting away with hurting Riley. I will destroy the pathetic waste of oxygen if it's the last thing I do.

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