chapter 104

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This chapter starts of from where it was left with Seb and Lucas... there will be a reunion soon

"As much as I find this entertaining, we do need to be serious"

Sebastian reluctantly handed Lucas the letters, he was dreading Lucas'reaction.

Lucas took his time reading them, at first he was annoyed, then he was pissed off and then angry, by the last letter he wanted to rip the person who sent the letters apart.

"What the fuck Sebastian" Lucas said slamming the letters on the side table.

"Sorry" Sebastian muttered.

"Sorry? Why the fuck are you apologizing, whoever sent these should be apologizing, it wasn't your fault. They litterally threatened us, threatened to kill us. You did some fucked up things but you did it because you thought it was best"  Lucas said.

"Yeah, I didn't want anything to happen to you guys" Sebastian agreed.

"I do have a few questions though" Lucas said and Sebastian nodded. He knew it wasn't going to be this easy.

"Usually when someone threatens you, you deal with the threat immediately, it usually doesn't result in your behaviour changing so much" Lucas stated.

"Because the person responsible, he has people, he is serious about it" Sebastian said

"You know the guy, why don't we go put him down"

"Lucas, the man well he's already in the cells" Sebastian nervously said.

"But we only have father down there" Lucas said as the realisation dawned on him. He looked to Sebastian for confirmation and Sebastian just nodded.
"But father wouldn't" Lucas was in shock. Their father trained them to be killers but he never was violent towards them.
"I know it's hard for you to accept Lucas but father wasn't a good man" Sebastian said as he sat next to Lucas.

"He wasn't a good man I know that but he wouldn't do this"

Sebastian smiled sadly, he didn't want to ruin Luas' perception of their father so for a second he did consider not telling him.

"Do you remember that fire Lucas" Sebastian said quietly. This conversation was heading a lot deeper than expected
"Yeah, you came back and the house was on fire, you came in and got me, everyone thought you were irresponsible for it" Lucas said as he thought back to the fire.

He was only a child, he had woken up to smoke filling his room, he had tried to leave his room but the house was on fire so he hid in the closet and after what felt like forever Sebastian had rushed in, coughing from the smoke. Sebastian had calmed him down and picked him up, he had made sure Lucas' head was buried in his chest as he ran back out. The fire had gotten worse by then and they had struggled to get out.

"Yeah, do you remember how I told you it was an electrical fault" Sebastian said as he thought back to that day.

"Yeah..." Lucas really didn't like talking about the day but he was curious.

"It wasn't an electrical fault, father set the fire, he's dangerous Lucas and that's why I took this threat seriously. He doesn't mess around" Sebastian admitted.

"He did what" Noah had walked in at that moment.

Sebastian shot him a look but then his attention was back on Lucas "Lucas, say something" he said after a moment of silence.

"Was it accidental" Lucas asked but he knew the anwser.

"No" Sebastian whispered.

"How could he, we were his kids, we did everything he asked, why would he do that"  Lucas said, his voice breaking slightly.

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