chapter 16

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It's been two week since I saw him, I had avoided him like the plague. Sadly today I couldn't any longer.
Thursday. How I already hated today. Double sports.
Apparently this school was big into sports.
I had brought my own gym clothes today. Leggings and a long sleeve gym top.

Sebastian and Lucas weren't argueing today, instead they didn't even talk to each other.

Sebastian had a meeting with the principle today so he had taken us to school. He wasn't really talking to me either.  Apart from telling me we were leaving and telling me to have a good day, that was about it.

I had upset all three of them.
Well 2.
Lucas never liked me.

I made sure I was either with Clara or Blake. I didn't want to be alone today.

Classes were boring as I already knew the content. I just wanted things to be different.  I wanted a normal life, a mother and father and maybe siblings, friends too. Who all loved me. I wanted a life were I wasn't afraid to do or say something. Instead I was stuck here, 3 scary brothers, a abusive past, an abusive teacher.

I was stuck in my own thoughts when the bell rang. This was the only class I had without Blake or Clara. So I quickly left with all the students hoping to blend in however his voice called out "Riley please can you come to my office, I have decided we will do your detention now instead of after school as I have to be somewhere" he said and I gulped. I was hungry, I wanted lunch but unfortunately I had to follow him to a lunch time detention.
With every step I took as I followed him, my heart beat picked up. I couldn't do this. I wouldn't.  Only I did. I was terrified what would happen if I didn't follow him so I did and I was in office.
His creepy smile was present as he sat at his desk.
"Take a seat, get writing lines" he snarled motioning to the two chairs in front of his desk. I take one and he slides a sheet of paper and pen in front of me.
"You are going to write, 'i am a whore' " a tear dropped down my face but I began writing, it was better than yesterday.
I covered the page quickly, wanting to get out of here. "Now tell me what are you" he asked. Tears ran down my face. I wouldn't say it.
Why? He's right

I ignored my inner thoughts and shot him a glare. "I am..." I pause quickly making sure I had hold of my bag. "Go on" he said with a smirk. "I am not a whore but I am leaving"
I race to the door but before I get there he slams his hand on it stopping me from opening it.
"You are a fucking whore, now get on your knees and show me" he snarled.


Sebastian and the principal were talking about how my grades were slipping and my behaviour was worsening. The principal said he should expel me but Sebastian was adement about me staying. I started to hate myself for how I had treated him lately. I had been a dick, I had been taking out my anger on him and Riley. And yet even after everything I was done, he was sat defending me and convincing the principal for me to stay.
In that moment as I watched him tell the principal a bullshit story which seemed to be working, I decided to fix my behaviour. I had to apologize to Riley.
"Sorry to interrupt but I really need to see Riley" I say not wanting to leave it any longer. I couldn't bare the thought of her hating me a second longer. "Why" Sebastian asks. "I need her forgiveness, I need yours too but hers first" I say honestly. Althought he doesn't smile, I could easily tell he was happy. "You may go, I need to speak with your brother alone anyway" the principal said and I rushed out. Hopefully I can stay. I still didn't like Riley around Blake, I needed to be here in case he hurt her.
I ran to the lunch hall, ignoring my friends I went straight to the table were her friends were sat, only Riley was missing. "Where is Riley" I ask. "Why should we tell you" Blake asked looking at me with annoyance. "Because I'm her brother and I need to talk to her" I say deciding not to threaten him. "Elle told us she heard Mr Sparks call her for a detention, instead of tonight" Clara says and I nod. Thankful for Elle, whoever she was and Clara.

I turned and headed to his office. I didn't like the thought of Riley doing detention on her own so I rushed down the hallway.

"Fucking bitch" I heard Mr sparks shout from the hallway.
What the fuck.
Had he just called my sister a bitch. How dare he.
Suddenly before I could go in, the door opened and Riley ran out in tears, her face red and her hair was messed up. She saw me and practically jumped into my arms. I held her protectively trying to comfort her as Mr Sparks walked out looking furious. It didn't take a genius to figure out he hurt her and that made my blood boil. I don't know what he did but I didn't care. In that moment I didn't care about bring expelled, instead I let go of her and walked over to him, he had a fearful look but it didn't stop me. I punched him in the jaw, turned around and walked back to Riley who was still crying. "Come on Riley, let's get you out of here" I spoke but she clung to me. I decided to allow her the comfort and picked her up, her head found its way into my shoulder and I felt my t-shirt dampen. Being a foot taller than her and her weight being concerning I had no problem carrying her. "It's ok, you're safe now" I whispered and stroked her hair. I wasn't about to let anyone hurt her. We reached the office and I kew I should knock but I wasnt about to wait around to be allowed in. So I entered and saw Sebastian and the principal argueing about Riley who had been daydreaming in class lately. I smirked, at least she wasn't just like Sebastian, she was a little like me. "Sebastian" I call out, he turns and when his eyes land on Riley, he rushed over. "What happened" he asked but surprisingly made no movement to take her from my arms. "Please don't let him get me, I promise I'll be good Sebastian, please just don't let him" Riley spoke for the first time since I found her. "Mr Sparks" I clarify for Sebastian before he asks. His worried expression turned into anger "what did he do" this time it was the principal. "He..I can't. I can't say it" she whispered and I held her tighter. "Did he hit you" I ask already knowing her anwser. She nods "i tried to stop him so he hit me" she whispered. "Stop him from what" I ask finding myself a mix between anger and curiousity.
"I promise I didn't want to" she cried and I held her closer.
"We know, Riley. You are safe with us though" I reassure
"He...his... he made me put it in my mouth"
"What was it" the principal asked.
"His...." She couldn't say it but I had a good idea what. I will kill that bastard. I think Sebastian knew too, he was no longer angry, he was furious. One look at him and you could tell he was about to murder someone. I couldn't even look at him longer than a few seconds. He was seething.
"This meeting is over, I'll be taking my siblings home with me" he spoke.
"I need to involve the police" the principal said
"Do you, are you sure about that" Sebastian asked, the principal glanced at him and shook his head. ", s.. sir" even the principal was scared of him.
Sebastian nodded and walked out, I followed him out to the car. Neither of us spoke.
I was deep in thought, planning Mr Sparks death and I'm sure Sebastian was too. He was so much more sadistic than us all and for once I was pleased he was.
That fucker will pay.
And with no police involved, it would be easier to kill him.

No one hurts Riley.

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