chapter 59

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After their heart to heart Sebastian and Noah washed their faces for the final time. They had been gone too long and they knew their siblings would come up soon and they both didn't want to be seen crying.

"Will you be ok Sebastian" Noah asked with uncertainty.
Sebastian put on a smile "of course"
Noah didn't buy it for a second. "And the truth" he asked. "I'll manage" Sebastian mumbled making Noah sigh "we will manage" he corrected Sebastian.

He had always been their for Sebastian, he felt the need to protect him but now after finding out what he just did he was more protective.

Sebastian smiled, he was grateful for Noah and his support.
He wasn't close to Noah or Lucas growing up thanks to their father but after he got custody of them he started to get closer.

Noah had been his right hand guy for so long but Sebastian had just assumed it was business, he didn't think he had his support when it came to family stuff, he knew he could count of Noah but not as much as Noah had shown now.

The dreaded feeling of this just being business was felt, Sebastian didn't like that but he knew he didn't deserve this so it has to be about business, right?

"Noah is this about business or is it personal" Sebastian regretted asking but he needed an anwser.
"Why do you ask" Noah wondered.
"Well you're my right hand guy so are you being supportive as my right hand" Sebastian tried to explain.
Noah realized what Sebastian meant.
"I am and always will be your right hand guy, but this isn't work, this is personal and as your brother I am here whenever you need me but as your right hand I'm only here if you need work done." Noah explained and Sebastian smiled.
It soon turned into a sad smile "father taught me that our relationship should be business, me in charge and you and Lucas my soldiers" Sebastian admitted wanting to explain why he had asked.
Noah was disgusted at this and shook his head. "Well ever since Riley you are more involved in all our lives" he stated. He remembered a time before Riley and how distant Sebastian was. It made sense now he knew their father had told him they were soldiers.

It was 1am and Lucas and Noah had just gotten to the warehouse with a prisoner, Sebastian hadn't been happy that his brothers spared the man's life so he went downstairs into the cells and broke the man's neck. Simple but effective. He then had gone back upstairs to meet his brothers. "You really think it was a good idea bringing that thing back here" he asked them.
"No" they both anwsered.
"Damn right it wasn't. Now go dispose of him and then you can start on the next assignment"
They both had complied no questions asked.
It was Sebastian after all.

Despite the rough memory where Sebastian had treated them like any other member. There was memories were they were brothers.

Sebastian and Noah were drinking coffee when Lucas came in, he had been drinking the night before and both Sebastian and Noah had laughed at Lucas's appearance. He had hair sticking up in all ends and had clothes from the night before still on, he even had leaves in his hair.
"Did you have a nice night" Noah asked.
Sebastian took a long sip of his coffee "I'm sure he had more than a nice time"
"Seriously guys stop it's too early for your shit" Lucas complained.
"Oh is it, that's funny my watch much be broken, it says it's 11am" Sebastian said knowing for a fact it wasn't broken. Lucas rolled his eyes at this "whatever I'm getting coffee"
Both Sebastian and Noah watched him make coffee. "I don't even remember getting in last night" Lucas stated suddenly and Noah cracked up laughing at this.
Sebastian smirked "that's because you didn't"
"But I was in bed"
"Yes where I put you after you fell into the bushes and fell asleep" Sebastian said like it was obvious.
"I wish I could have seen that" Noah stated.
Noah had gone to bed as he was exhausted, he had refused at first but Sebastian pretty much ordered him to go to bed at one point because he kept refusing so Sebastian had waited up for his brother, he had heard Lucas by the amount of noise he had made but he had fallen asleep in the bush so Sebastian had carried him to bed.

The memories faded and Noah and Sebastian decided to put the past in the past at least for now. It was good timing to because Lucas and Riley walked into the kitchen.
Thankfully Sebastian and Noah had managed not to cry again and there was no evidence that they had been crying.
"You guys have been up here for like an hour is everything ok" Lucas asked.
"Of course it is" Sebastian smiled, it was fake because they were both two young to see Sebastian in the state he was in.

The only reason Riley knew a little was because he knew she could tell, she had gone through the same so he knew she had spotted the signs after the second nightmare.

Riley and Lucas didn't pick up on this but Noah could see how fake it was. "I'll start on dinner shall I" Noah suggested. Sebastian smiled remembering this morning "no you're fine, I told the children I would be making them there favourite meal, spaghetti hoops and dinosaur nuggets"  Noah couldn't help but laugh "what did I miss" he asked wondering where this happened "you said beans earlier, you forgot them" Lucas added and Sebastian couldn't help but look at him with a 'what the hell' expression. Riley looked and Lucas with fake annoyance as she tried not to laugh and Noah was just confused.

"I'm afraid we don't have spaghetti hoops, dinosaur nuggets or beans" Noah said finally coming out of his confused state.

Lucas knew this and that was why he added beans, he knew Sebastian would give in and cook something else.

"Oh don't worry about that, I have a feeling we have some somewhere" Sebastian walked slowly over and produced some dinosaur nuggets from the freezer and took out spaghetti hoops and beans from the cupboard. "I got some just for you two on my way home" he explained.
Noah burst out laughing, Sebastian looked so smug and Lucas and Riley looked suprised. "What about Noah does he get Spaghetti hoops and nuggets too" Lucas asked making Noah stop laughing.
"No these are just for you two. Noah and I are having grown up spaghetti"

Noah was loving the teasing and laughed further at Lucas and Riley's expression.
Riley decided to see if she could get out of eating what Sebastian had planned.
"Sebastian can't I eat real spaghetti too" Sebastian paused, he was conflicted but at the end of the day, he had already said Spaghetti hoops and nuggets and he was going to follow through with what he said and he wanted to treat them both equally. At the same time he felt pleased that she was asking and not just going along with it. He knew she had limited food and he was pleased that she was starting to feel comfortable asking them about food.

"No" he felt bad saying no to her and it shocked Lucas and Noah.
Lucas smiled, he was certain he would be stuck eating childish food on his own but he was pleased he wasnt.

So this chapter was meant to be longer but I decided to split it into 2 parts, the next chapter will be out soon though. The ending does seem a little bad I apologize for that but that's because it wasn't originally the ending.

Thoughts on this chapter? Hope you all enjoyed.

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